~Chapter 13~

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Sorry about the long wait, life's been busy. Color guard season is over so now I have more time to write :p



Matthias shakes his head vigorously. "He'd be willing to kill that poor unicorn if we skipped rehearsals today."

"You're no fun." I wail. I step slowly in a circular motion, my eyes training the lines of the wooden flooring.

"Can you sit still for just a few minutes? I'm trying to decide whether or not to ditch with you." Matthias mutters. His hands reach up to massage his forehead to alleviate his stress.

There are only two things to choose between and both have direct meanings. Ditch or dance. Unless he speaks up, source of his stress is something that will be unknown from me.

Matthias runs a hand through his hair. "Can you at least tell me where we're going?"

"It's a bakery not too far from here." I say, sitting down onto the floor beside him. "My friends asked me to join them for breakfast, and I'd like to go even if we already ate muffins this morning."

"Correction," he crosses his arms over his chest. "You ate my muffins."

I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "True, true." I stand, brushing back the loose pieces of hair dangling in front of my face. "So, are you coming?"

He stands up as well and straightens his shirt, riding it of any visible wrinkles. "Sure, why not?"


As soon as I walk into the bakery, I am attacked with a gigantic hug.

"Chloe, you won't believe how much I've missed your ugly face." Alia squeezes me tightly, a smile shining brightly across her face.

"It's nice to see you too, Alia." I laugh, not the slightest bit offended.

"Don't we get a chance to say hello?" Jason asks. He's sitting in one of the corner booths with Christian by his side.

I pull away from Alia, who walks over to the booth, and I run over to the two, giving them both hugs. "I've missed you trouble makers so much." I fist bump Christian and ruffle Jason's hair, to which he gets irritated at.

"Hey, I love you and all, Chloe, but that doesn't mean you get to touch my hair." He pulls his phone out from his back pocket and fixes his hair using the reflection from its screen.

"Okay, okay," I laugh. "I'll keep my hands to myself." I glance over to the entrance door, where Matthias awkwardly leans against the wall.

"Hey you guys," I get their attention. "This is Matthias." I walk towards him. "He's one of the Elite dancers I train with."

Alia and Christian wave a hand. Jason throws a peace sign. "Hey." Matthias says as he waves back.

I walk back to the booth, motioning Matthias to follow as I sit. He scoots into the last spot at the end of the booth.

Jason attempts at small talk with Matthias and fortunately, he plays along, but the awkwardness still thrives to show on his face. Alia nudges my shoulder with her elbow, turning her head to whisper into my ear.

"Are you guys like, a thing or something?" Alia's eyes flicker to Matthias for a split second, then back to mine.

I almost gag and cover Alia's loud mouth, slightly pushing her away from me. "Of course not, he's ages older...practically ancient."

"Hah, nice one," She laughs as if it were a joke. Her laughter quickly falters when she studies my facial expression. "Wait, you guys aren't together?"

"I swear on my only pair of pointe shoes that we aren't."

"Oh," She leans in closer so the chance of our friends eavesdropping diminishes completely. "In that case, I totally see him as your future special someone."

Alia didn't intentionally mean to say the last few words louder than the others, but she did and it made me feel internally uncomfortable.

"You know what, I think Matthias and I should get going," I sit up and address everyone at the table. "We have rehearsals this morning."

I hug them each individually, repeating over and over that we'll meet again soon. Before we walk out the door into the spring breeze, Jason requests to let Matthias tag along next time.

"Would that be a problem?" I face Matthias with raised eyebrows.

He shakes his head. "Not at all."


Thank you for all of the reads, votes, and comments this story has received. It means the world to me :3

Go bake a potato to celebrate. Or boil it, microwave it, eat it raw, whatever pleases you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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