ii; moving on

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"Sometimes, when you're so sad you don't know what to do, it helps to be angry."― Cornelia Funke, Inkheart


In the dimly lit hotel room shared by Dan and Mack, the room was only lit by the television screen, which was playing the movie Inkheart. Dan could faintly remember being thirteen, flipping through the book and pressing his lips together. He'd trace his finger on the copy his mother had picked up, turning to Hailey and scoffing. "Look," He'd exaggerate, the words flowing out with such distaste, "It's so stupid!" He'd throw his head back, making a groaning noise while Hailey would nod, shrugging. After giving it a chance the next year, his thoughts were quickly devoured by the novel, which was filled with such fantasy-like ideas that caused his school to practically be interrupted. The minute Inkspell had been released, Dan had snatched himself a copy and practically read it over and over, sighing blissfully and clutching the book in his arms. He had been fifteen then. Then finally, at age sixteen, the last book had been released. Dan hesitated for months, the series ending practically eating him up inside. He loved those books. So he waited patiently until his mother bought it, the title making him swallow so hard he could practically taste blood. Then he stared at it, held it in his hands, shook his head and let his eyes flutter closed. Then he opened it, his eyes scanning the pages with such intensity.

Now, here he was, sitting and watching the movie based on his favourite book. Even comparing anything he'd read since sixteen years of age, nothing beat Inkheart.

"Dan?" Mack interrupted lazily, and Dan shot up to pause the movie, not wanting to miss a minute of it. He sat up slowly, meeting Mack's eyes like a deer caught in the headlights, lips parting as he watched him.

"Hi." Dan answered slowly, arms crossing over his chest, nose wrinkling. Mo's face had frozen on the screen and he had every part of him dying to press play and continue the journey the movie was trying to pull him back into. He was so eager, so pumped up at such an early time.

Mack shoved his hands in his pockets, a yawn slipping from his pale lips, eyes closing for a moment. When they fluttered back open, he turned to the screen, raising his eyebrows. "What're you watching?" He asked curiously, eyeing the actor he recognized on the screen. "Wasn't he in Journey to The Center of The Earth?" Mack added with a thoughtful tone, lips pressing together.

Dan shrugged, trying not to tune into the rasp in Mack's voice or the fact he was shirtless, his eyes darting back to the screen. "I'm watching Inkheart." He stressed, ready to throw a book at Mack's completely adorable face. "Can I continue?" He then begged, his face dropping into one of a puppy dog look.

Mack dismissed him with a shrug, flopping down onto the couch next to him while Dan began to play the movie again. Before he knew it, the credits were rolling and Mack had fallen asleep next to him. Wrinkling his nose, Dan dove through his bags again, realizing the only other DVD's he had with him were Grown Ups 2 and Attack On Titan: Full Season 1. He almost scoffed at the title, sitting back. Attack On Titan didn't even have a season 2 yet. With no hesitation, he yanked the show out of the bag and took out the current movie, placing it in the case. He then continued to put in Attack On Titan, falling asleep to the oh-so-horrible sound of Eren screaming.


"Who could deny these butterflies? They're filling his gut,"

Phil couldn't help but tap his fingers on the steering wheel of his car to the All Time Low song, eyebrows pulled together. It had always been extremely sad to him, always been extremely depressing, and here it was on his playlist. He was close to pulling over and sobbing, but Lukas was sitting next to him, idly flicking through his text messages. A loud ping went off, surprising Phil, who jerked his head for Lukas to check the notification. "Long ass blurb from some guy named..." Pausing for a moment, Lukas squinted to read the name. "Fucking Answer." He made a clicking noise with his tongue,

"Philip, that's innapropriate." It was mocking, a scolding you'd get from a friend who was smiling silly at you. He could say Lukas Køhler was his friend, but he wasn't totally sure.

"Shut up, ass." Phil replied with a snort, continuing to drive until they had reached Lukas' apartment complex. A female teen and smaller girl were outside of the building, and the minute Lukas had exited the car, he made his way over to them. Embracing the teenage girl, he gave the smaller one a ruffle of her blonde hair and smiled at her lightly. Phil had almost winced, watching Lukas go with a saddened look.

Then he checked his texts, eyes flickering down to Dan's contact, shaking his head. Without reading the message, he deleted it, a sigh escaping his chapped lips. As much as he longed to answer, message Dan and tell him he missed him so much, he wouldn't. He was moving on with his life.

Moving on was the only thing he could do right now.


Hey guys! It's me~

Here's an update, because for us Canadian's, Thanksgiving's on Monday and I won't be able to update :--))


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