viii; detectives make good therapists

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"Maybe there's more we all could have done, but we just have to let the guilt remind us to do better next time." ― Veronica Roth, Divergent

"I've got a bad case of the 3:00 am guilts - you know, when you lie in bed awake and replay all those things you didn't do right? Because, as we all know, nothing solves insomnia like a nice warm glass of regret, depression and self-loathing." ― D.D. Barant, Dying Bites

"It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one." ― Voltaire, Zadig


A cell. Right now, that's where Phil was. A cold, damp cell that smelt of damp, wet dog and some other gross things he wouldn't name. He was panicked--But, he always panicked in times like this. However, he sat stoic and stiff on the bench, eyes focused ahead. Incoherent voices traveled around, and all he could do was sigh and hope to be proven innocent. He could only remember Dan's horrified face, when he swallowed hard and looked up, shaking his head with a small inhale. An exhale, and then a shake of his head, and then a look at the sky. It was always, always like that, a repeat.

He was pleading, begging to be let loose, but silently.

Cold stares as people walked by, that's what he received. However, the same loud and lanky Detective that arrested him only ever gave him a small frown and a tilt of his head, like he was curious as to if he had really caught the right person. Phil could say he hadn't. He'd only ever killed two people, and their faces still haunted his memory, but he had done it for the same brunette who was currently being interviewed. 

Sobs echoed in his head, Dan's sobs, while Phil sat rigidly and tried to forget. He couldn't, he just couldn't. It wasn't possible to forget the horrible choked cries and the yells and screams, Dan's horrified look as he watched Phil.

He slumped over and buried his head into his hands, choking on a small sob.


Isaac had passed 'Lester's cell for the third time, not receiving the stare he had the previous time, but only watching as the tall man hunched over with his face not visible. He didn't look guilty, didn't look like a monster like the poor detective had guessed. Tilting his head, Isaac inhaled deeply and watched Lester, trying to think of how the poor guy could be so guilty. When he heard a small sob, a small choked sob, he couldn't help but freeze in mid-step. "A-Are you alright?" He stuttered out slightly, and when he received a teary eyed shake of the head, he thought. "Do you want something? I mean-A phone call?" He mustered, standing tall.

"P-Please?" Lester mumbled desperately, and finally Isaac realized that Lester was so choked up and sad that he couldn't have done it. God, Isaac felt stupid. 

"I'll get you a phone." He gave him a small, sad smile before disappearing around the corner.

Dan was still being interviewed by Isaac's current partner, a loud and abrupt man named Ben. He was feeling sort of bad for him, because even Isaac hated Ben sometimes. 

Reaching out for his cellphone that lay on his desk, he managed to look at the picture on the front. His constant companion Holmes lit up the screen; the pure white German Sheppard puppy, earning a smile from him. He unlocked the phone, got onto the keypad and made his way back to Lester's cell. "Come on over," Isaac pleaded shortly, and Lester replied only by moving over to the bars. The curly haired brunette reached out to hand him the phone, and watched as he rushed to dial a number. 

The minute he had the phone up to his ear, he let his eyes fall closed. 

Lester had quickly mumbled coherent words Isaac had managed to tune out, and stopped with a 'Alright' and ended the call, timidly handing the phone back to the detective.

"Thank you." Lester mumbled, and leaned his head against the bars.

Isaac exhaled. "You're welcome?" He attempted, and shook his head.

"Can we talk? I mean, I'm sort of alone."



So, actually, I said I wasn't going to write any more, but this was already written and I hadn't realized, so here you all go, I guess. But this is probably it for a bit, and I see by the chapter delay, that's okay with you guys. thanks :)

(i couldn't choose a quote, so i just listed three :'D do you guys like the quotes?)

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