xii; a winning celebration

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so lol be prepared
"The best quotes are sometimes the ones that have never been spoken outside of a single conversation or thought." - Unknown

Lukas Køhler naturally assumed that Phil Lester was an utterly easy person to calm down. Boy, he was wrong. They stood in the court lobby, while the black-haired man panicked and repeated that he was probably going to die, Lukas was shuffling through his papers and mumbling profanities. He was going to get Phil a good verdict; Not Guilty, obviously, but he wasn't exactly sure how. "Listen," He began slowly, his voice soft and consoling as he spoke to the suspect, his friend, "you'll get off the hook, Phil. You're not guilty for this crime."

That was true.

However guilty Phil felt, it was for something completely non related to the murders he was convicted of. Maybe it was because the poor man naturally assumed Dan was back in New York City, but he was guilty. Not just an 'I ate your cracker' guilty either, but more of a 'I killed someone's firned' look. Lukas had naturally assumed Phil had killed people with the amount of tattoos he had that looked like guns, but Britain had a strict gun policy as he was completely aware.

"I know." Those were the first words Phil spoke that early Friday morning, his voice still rocky and deep, blue eyes narrowed towards the large wooden doors into the court room. "When are we due in there?" He asked, a lighter tone to his voice, like he felt sorry for speaking to his lawyer that way.

Lukas stood idle, letting his eyelids drop, a clear sign of how tired he really was. He looked like a child, Phil noted, with the long eyelashes framing his pale cheeks. He was the opposite, hardly a child, but more of a man grown up too quickly. You'd think he should be in school, he could pass as a college student with his hair and his abnormally lanky limbs. But he was an adult, a full-on adult with rosy red cheeks and a smile that just said child. He was also nervous by the state of his shirt, which was beyond wrinkled, but Phil wouldn't say anything because God, he owed Lukas for this big time.

Although, big time to Lukas meant a trip to McDonalds or something, so Phil wasn't complaining at all.

When Lukas had ushered him into the court room, some how, Phil felt a confidence in his lawyer. A confidence that hadn't been there a day previous.

So when the two sat side by side on hard wooden chairs with ice cold water, Phil only frowned and focused on the table. Lukas was still shuffling his papers, pressing his lips together and turning. "I think we can win this, Phil. I think we can do it."

Wanna know what? They did.

By the end of the trial, Lukas and Phil stood, a lawyer and a satisfied client. Isaac had been in the chairs, although Phil hadn't noticed him, and Dan had been too, and Phil had noticed him. Lukas saw Isaac though and extended a skinny, long arm to wave greetings to the Detective. Isaac, smiling fondly, waved back before disappearing into the sea of people. I guess you want to hear about Dan and Phil, of which were hugging tightly and mumbling things like 'Jesus Christ, we did it.'

Too bad reality, meaning Lukas, didn't throw a brick to their faces. They hadn't done it, he had. He had won the verdict, but he stayed quiet, left them to their sappy hug fest.

"Dan," breathed Phil, his voice ever so light, "You stayed."

"Of course I did," Dan replied, shook his head slowly, let his eyes fall closed. "I'm in love with you, doesn't that mean anything?" He hadn't meant to say that, hadn't meant to reply so tensely, like he was hiding something. Which, like usual, he was.

"You're leaving, aren't you?" Phil pulled back abruptly after hearing Dan's tone, eyes narrowing to slits. His arms had dropped to his sides, head turning. "You know what? I don't care! Leave!"

He stormed off, like usual, and Dan didn't go after him. He didn't know what to say, how to explain the fact that he had a job, a life, was he supposed to give that all away for Phil? No. He was taught to be happy with himself before making other people happy, to be confident before helping people with their confidence. After all, you can't make someone laugh without laughing yourself.

Or can you?

I don't know, I'm not a laugh expert, go read that in a wikipedia page.


In an attempt to console Lukas with the fact that Phil had ignored him after the trial, Isaac was now witnessing a twenty five year old man roll around with his dog.

It was cute, but also mildly horrifying.




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