Im Gone

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I jumped off the train, running to brace the impact. I was in a bit of trouble in my old town, so i ran away. Ok maybe it was alot of trouble, but i made sure to run away to a run down town where no one was likely to find me. Tulsa, Oklahoma it was called. I looked around, taking in my surrondings. It was a dump. Well on the side i was on.

I began walking around. I needed to find a place to stay for awhile. I didnt stay in one place to long. Once i was done with a place, i moved on.

Realizing i hadnt eaten anything in three days, i stopped to eat at some place called the Dingo. It was a nasty place. The corners had spiderwebs. ghe floor was dirty. I swore i saw a cockroach crawling around. But it only place i could afford. I sat in a quiet corner. I was thinking about where i could try and find an abandoned house may be when loud yelling and laughter broke my thoughts.

I looked up annoyed seeing six guys laugjing there asses off. I scoffed. Why cant guys be more mature? I continued tryjng to think, but i couldnt. The waitress came over and asked for my order. I ordered hamburger and fries. Im jot a big eater. "Anything else?", she asked. "Yeah one thing. Can you tell those guys to shut the hell up?" She laughed. "I see what i can do." She walked away, and i continued thinking about the situation i got myself in.

Dallys pov

Me and the guys came to the dingo for lunch. Darry was working. Two was making lame jokes. We were having a good time when a waitress came over to us. I prepared to put in my order and maybe ask her out, but she beat me to it. "I have a conplaint about your noise level", she said. "Who the hell is complaining about us?", i asked angrily. She pointed to some chic sitting by herself in a booth who looked deep in thought. "So try to keep it down boys", she said sarcastically and smiled. She walked away. "Im gonna go have a talk with the bitch over there", i announced. "Just leave it alone Dal", Johnny whispered. I ignored him and walked over anyway.

Macys pov

I sat at the booth waiting for the waitress to bring my food out when i heard someone slip in the seat in front of me. I looked up and saw a guy. Before i could say anything, he spoke up. "Who the hell do you think you are telling me and my friends to shut up?" My face grew angry. "So your one of the loud obnoxious assholes", i said. "Who are you anyway?" "None of your business", i said. "Dont think your the boss bitch. You should know who your messing with", he inquired. "Who the hell are you trying to make me afraid?", i asked. He smirked. "How do you not know? Im Dallas Winston", he said. "Never heard of you", i said, looking the menu over nonchalantly. His face fell. "Of course you have. Everyone has", he said. "Nope. Doesnt ring a bell", i said as the waitress gave me my food. I went to take my hamburger when this Dallas guy took it and took a huge bite. I stood up angrily. I punched him in the gut. He started to choke on the burger and i smirked. "Hope it tasted good Winston."

I walked out of the diner and began to search for a place to stay.

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