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A few days later, things went down exactly how Ace told me they would. For days, Deuce sent word through the streets that he knew I was hitting up his spots.

Ace said that it was time to stop playing games and get rid of him and whoever else I saw fit what were responsible for Teyanna's death.

But before I could formulate a plan, he found us.

Ace and I were standing outside of one of our spots. Suddenly, amid rotation of the blunt as we talked numbers, we heard a screeching sound coming from the end of the block.

A white Tahoe came barreling towards us at sixty miles an hour. Through the snowflakes that gently fell, I could see smoke that came from the exhaust of the truck.

"Drive by!"

I barely heard the block boy over the sounds of the tires against the pavement; over the screams of the children.

I was mesmerized; watching them run in what seemed like slow motion toward their house.

I could feel somebody pulling me toward the building as the Tahoe approached. It slowed down to the point that it was crawling while the passenger side window slowly slid down.

People scattered like roaches; all except me, Ace, and Derrick. We stood behind trees and brick walls, aiming and exchanging fire with the truck.

Sparks from our weapons illuminated the air. It felt like the exchange lasted for hours.

As I shot the Tahoe, I wished that Deuce was inside. Visions of Teyanna cloudedy head and were motivation for me to continue to shoot through the cramp in my trigger finger.

What felt like hours were actually only seconds. It took not even a minute for gunfire to interrupt the peaceful solace of this hood on a cold winter day. The Tahoe's tires screeched as it took off.

Me, Ace and Derrick ran for our rides before the police arrived.
As I climbed into the driver's seat, I frantically looked for anyone who wocpuld have been struck by our bullets. Luckily, all I saw nothing but eyes peering from Windows and doorways.

We weren't worried about snitches. We fed that block. We housed homeless teens in that trap house. We helped single mommas pay the heat in the winter.

The hood loved us and knew what came with the territory.

"Told you them niggas was on us," Ace said through heavy breaths as I weaved through traffic.

I was headed back to the west bank.

"I believed you."

With a sly smile, he asked, "Can we please kill these niggas now?"

It was an easy question to ask. Yet, for some reason, when for weeks I'd salivated at the thought of putting a bullet in Deuce's head, I was hesitant to answer. After that quick moment of gunfire, I realized the capabilities of another body dropping that meant to.

Derick was an eighteen year old and the father of two. Ace, though childless, was young and full of ambition that was going to put him on so any levels as he climbed the ranks in the streets.

"C'mon, boss. It's time." Ace convinced me. "It's either pop this nigga, or keep having gun fights like we in the Wild Wild West. Next time somebody gon get hit. And, I don't know about you, but I like being on this side of the grave, making money. You started this shot, so let's finish it."

He was right. Though I was enjoying fucking with this nigga for weeks, it was time to make Deuce pay for what he'd done.

It was time to stop playing these games and be the G I suddenly was.

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