Day One

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"Nate,I fucking know how to feed a baby." Salem said emphasizing her sentence by a well placed hand on her hip.

"I know,but we haven't been away from the kids for longer than a day or two."

"I know how to take care of my niece and nephew. And you two deserve a vacation since Sahia popped before you even made it to the reception."

Sahia walked up to the front door holding their new born son while their three year old daughter trailed behind her.

"Auntie Sayum!" Jordan called running up to hug Salem.Her hair was brides into two ponytails and her smile was like sunshine.

"Hey Bubbles!" Salem said returning the smaller girls hug.

"Where's Auntie Charlie?"

"At work, but she'll be home soon.Why don't you go on inside." The little girl pranced in the house as Sahia handed Salem Jalen's carrier.

"Make sure Jordan's to daycare on time?" Sahia asked grabbing her husband's hand.Salem smiled at her sister.

"Everything is under control and besides, It'll be a good test run for me and Charlie see if we want to bother having some of our own."

"You enjoy." Nate said gripping his wife to his side.

"You enjoy! See you in a week!" Salem called as the couple walked away down the stairs.

"Come on Jalen,Auntie Salem is going to watch you for a while."

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