Day Five

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"Jordan! Get the fuck out of my fridge!" Salem screeched as she pulled the little girl off of white fridge. "Go to bed now!" She picked her up and carried the squealing little girl into the bedroom.

"Your Mommy will be back tomorrow, so you can behave for just a few more hours and then you can hang off of any kitchen appliance you please." Salem shut the door and slid down the base.

"Auntie Sayum, you don't have to be so damn mean." Charlie said in a mocking voice. She was standing over her balancing a basket of laundry on her hip.

"If this is what kids are going to be like then I will always be mean." Charlie sat down in front of her and grabbed her wife's hand.

"Do you want kids?"

"I mean...maybe? Sahia and Nate's kids are great for a few days, but having that all the time is just... it seems like a lot." Charlie pulled Salem into her lap.

"I agree, and are we really ready? I kind of like it being just us. Even if it isn't as 50's domestic."

"We were never really 50's domestic though, maybe 60's that was a great era for everyone." They both laughed a little. "Let's get through the night and return the little one's to their parents."

Charlie placed a kiss to Salem's jaw and smiled. "Hey, the kids are asleep..."

"I'm way ahead of you." Salem said standing up and pulling Charlie towards their bedroom door. "At least we can fuck whenever we want without kids." She kissed her passionately and rested her hands on Charlie's hips.

"Auntie Sayum,Auntie Charlie can I have a glass of water?" They heard a little voice ask. Salem was fuming but Charlie just picked Jordan up.

"Sure little lady." They walked towards the kitchen and Salem pulled out her phone and texted Sahia.

Come get your children.

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