Day Four

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"Auntie Charlie! I have to be at Brittney's!" The little girl screamed at the the top of her lungs. Charlie growled sorting through the papers on her desk.

"If that little puta Brittney hadn't had her party when Auntie Salem had a meeting then you'd be there."

"But it's in 10 minutes!"

"Your Grandfather will be here to come and get you Jordan."

Her office door swung open and the cold presence of her father in-law entered the room.

"Ganpa!" Jordan yelled clutching the old mans leg.

"Hey little lady."

Charlie stood and handed him a pink card. "The address is in here."

He looked at her with disdain. "Are you and my daughter still trying to bring little demon spawn into the world?"

"You know I never understood if you hated me because I'm Spanish or because I've 'corrupted' your little girl, but either way thank you for picking up Jordan." Charlie sat back down at her desk and looked over at a sleeping Jalen.

He exited the room with an anxious Jordan, when Charlie's assistant Reagan busted in. "Mrs.Davenport your wife's on line 2." Reagan hesitated before speaking again. "Your father in law is an ass." She closed the door and Charlie smiled before picking up the phone.

"Hey Cariño, what's up?"

"I just got out of my meeting, do you want me to come get Jalen?" Salem asked, she could hear the noise of her co-workers in the background fade.

"I think I'm good with the little guy, why don't you go home, cook dinner, do domestic things." She could hear Salem rolling her eyes.

"Sure, and then I'll curl my hair and go wash the dishes."

"Excellent. I'll see you at home."

"See you at home." Charlie hung up and turned towards the baby boy who was slowly waking up from his nap.

"What's up enano? How was your nap?" Jalen smiled up at her in response an dshe leaned back in her chair.

"I could totally do this mother thing."

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