Fish Mooney - ✔

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"You need to tell them you're seeking other employment and that you are no longer interested in working for them."

"I've already signed my W-2. I'm technically an employee at Gotham Central."

My brother paces around his desk, restless. "Why would you do that? I told you not to go and do that!"

"It was a done deal before you even came home."

A thick voice booms from the top of the precinct stars. "How come you never introduced me, Jim?"

"This is my sister, Bullock."

"It's a pleasure." He extends a hand. "Detective Bullock. I have the unfortunate responsibility of being your brother's partner."

"Figured." My smile reaches my eyes for the first time in days. "Sera."

"The almost dead sister," he remarks. "I can't believe you would do something so stupid."

"Lighten up, Boyscout." Bullock glances at a few of the files cluttering his desk. "What'd ya do?"

I should be proud of the prestigious job! Instead, I find myself shrinking away from announcing it. "I got accepted at Gotham Central Hospital. He thinks I'm going to kill myself."

"The thugs downtown don't play." The detective frowns. "You understand that right? You're prepared for that?"

I do, despite everyone's promise of the contrary. I'm trained in dealing with all manner of people: thugs, homeless, even the mentally ill.

"She's my sister, Harv. She wants to help the city—" he says. For a moment, I think he might be turning to my side of things. But that fades the next moment when he glares in my direction. "—in the most dangerous part of it."

"That's never stopped you."

"You're not seriously on her side, are you?"

Bullock throws up his hands in innocence. "I'm just saying if you get to play Don Juan, why can't she? You act so high and mighty. Does he do that around you?"

"It's sickening," I confirm his suspicions.

Before he can answer, a teenager appears at Jim's side, seeming to manifest from thin air. Her hair is horribly unkempt, sprouting in all different directions. Mischief gleams in her emerald eyes. She must be from the streets.

"I've got more information for you. But I'll only tell if you're not going to handcuff me again."

"Let's go, Selina. Harvey, why don't you take her to Fish's place for me?"


He's already pushing the poor girl out of the door, who is rolling her eyes the entire way. "Just do it. Good luck."

Bullock slaps down his files. He throws on his jacket and fedora. "Alright, Miss America, I suppose we better be off, too."

"Were you friends with brother before he left?" I ask once we're on the road.

"No. Was he as annoying as he is now?"

"More," I say, "but irresponsible. Very typical jock type."

"Oh, I know 'em. Got any good stories I can hold over his head?"

"Buy me lunch, and I'll write you the blackmail book."

"It's a deal, sister."

Harvey keeps my thoughts occupied with lunch choices on the way to Fish's. I share a few embarrassing stories about our family, like the one time he ran into our dad's office completely buck ass nude when he was still potty training. I promise pictures after the day's events.

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