New King in Town - ✔

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"I hope things start to work out for you." Aunt Sharon wraps her arms around my neck one last time.

"I know they will." I smile.

"It's a shame you have to return to so much chaos. I can't wait to see you more often."

"I feel the same way," I say. "Tell Matthew goodbye for me, will you?"

"Of course, darling. Now go on. I don't want you to miss your destiny across the harbor."

A new attendant helps me get settled like last time. Jim calls as soon as the assistant shuts the door.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I have to be in Gotham. You know that."

The defeat is clear in his voice. "Just please tell me you're not going back to Falcone?"

"I'm not," I promise him, resting a hand on my pocket watch. What option would I have there? I can't even write my own name. How can he expect me to handle stitches and syringes? "I'm not."

"Good. The council has changed its vote. Maroni has their support, now. He won't be happy that you're back. Maybe we can arrange some way of getting you constant protection. It's not good here."

His placid nature is even more terrifying than his rage.

"Are you okay? You sound very calm."

"I need to be. We'll talk later."

Even though he doesn't tell me why he needs to be calm, I assume the worst. Maybe something's happened. Maybe the Falcone family as fallen apart. Maybe they've finally killed Penguin.

Worry pollutes the scenic route to Gotham. When I return home, things are going to be different; they have to be.

"How was the trip?" Lee packs my bags.

"Fine. Quiet."

I must admit, it's very good to visit with her. My initial assessment of her has been proven wrong. She's perfect for my brother.

Do people say the same of Oswald and I?

"Jim will come by the house after work. I have to get to Barbara's. Ready to go?"

My pulse returns to the same pace as the city. This is where I belong.

"I'm ready. Thanks for doing this, Lee."

She explains what happened with The Ogre, and what she knows of Barbara's condition, which is not much. I tell her a little bit about our extended family and that they're moving to Gotham. She's excited to meet them.

Lee leaves without coming inside. I unpack my things and soak in my mother's house once more. It smells of old boxes and books. The windows are dusty and in desperate need of a cleaning.

The evening rolls around, and I still haven't heard anything from my brother. He always calls if he's working late. Just as I'm about to give the GCPD a ring, someone knocks on the door.

I've been in this situation before. Terror strikes deep within my chest. This time, I grab Jim's spare pistol to open the door.

"Hello?" I grip the weapon as best I can.

"Whoa!" Butch raises his hands. "It's me. Thank god you're here."

"Butch!" I drop the gun. "What are you doing?"

"They're in trouble." Sweat drips down his brow. He jerks in small spasms.

"What? Who's in trouble?"

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