The Most Beautiful Essence - ✔

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"I'm sorry, Jim. I didn't know her well, but she seemed really nice."

"There was nothing you could've done, Sera. Essen was my captain. She stood up for me when no one else did."

I've heard the story a thousand times before, but for his sake, I listen to it once more.

Lee wraps her arm around my bloody brother. "It's good to see you again."

Despite the circumstances, I feel better in her presence. "Likewise."

"Did Penguin know about this attack?" Jim finally asks.

"No," I promise. "He can't stand the Maniax!. There's no way they're affiliated."

Harvey briefly engulfs me in a hug. "Hey, sister."

"Hey, Harv." Between all of Jim's friends, I've missed him the most. Our connection exists outside of Jim. "How've you been?"

"Makin' it through. I miss our late-night chats."

"Me too." I smile. "This transition in power has been crazy on me, as it's been for all of Gotham. Besides, Penguin doesn't want me out with these Maniax! on the loose."

How disappointing I must be to the three of them.

"And for once, I agree with him." Lee changes the subject. "We'll catch the killers, Jim. Barbara included."

"Yeah," I add. "Jerome and his posse of psychos are going to pay for the lives they've taken."

That's rich coming from me.

"That's right." Harvey offers my brother an affirming pat on the shoulder. "Ready to head out, boy scout?"

Jim agrees. Before leaving, he gives me a quick hug and assures me that we'll catch up soon. I promise that I'm here for him no matter what, but it's obvious he doesn't need me now. He walks out of the precinct arm in arm with Lee and Harvey. Maybe we aren't all we have, anymore.

But Jim hasn't looked that sad since Dad died.

"Welcome back." Butch holds open the door for me. "What's got you so down?"

"Family stuff. You name it, right?"

"Well, cheer up. I'm so tired of seeing you depressed all the time. Maybe you should take a vacation."

I put on my bravest smile. "Not sure I've worked enough to take vacation time."

Penguin snaps for the men around his table to leave. They do so without a complaint.

"How's business?" I ask, leaning against his chair.

He welcomes my embrace with open arms. "It's all going to hell. That stupid clown is throwing business in the can. What about your day? Better, I hope."

"Not much." My heart seems to stop. His gaze is so deep, I swear that he knows every word I'm about to say. "Jim's alive, thankfully. It's not good over there. Captain Essen's death is really hitting him hard. It was strange, actually."

"What? That a mob of freaks shot up the GCPD? This is Gotham, Sera. That happens every other week."

"That's not what I meant. He has Lee and Harvey, now. It just feels like he doesn't need me like I'm the sister he lost to the mob."

Oswald has to think hard before answering. "You have Butch and I now."

He's not helping.

"But he will always depend on you to get s sense of self-worth. You'll always be his little sister. That's more than what both Dr. Thompkins and Detective Bullock can do for him. Both of them are replaceable."

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