Party Time - ✔

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"Long night, Sera?" Rachel hands over a styrofoam cup.

I pinch the bridge of my nose feeling not at all rested. Yes, it has been a long night. I spent most of it doing identical work to what I'm doing for the next eight hours.

She frowns. "Okay. I won't ask about your personal life. Got it. If you need to take the day off, you know you can."

"I'm sorry," I apologize from behind the steamy cup. "I've just been having terrible nightmares. I think it's getting to me, now."

Like the good friend she is, Rachel begins to spew off all the ways I can fix my problem. "There are pills to help you sleep. I'm sure if you just visited your doctor, they could prescribe you something for that. There's also a ton of essential oils to fiddle around with these days. I personally like lavender."

Like the bad friend I am, I can't take another second of it. "Thanks, Rachel. I'll— I'll make an appointment this afternoon."

She gives up her attempt to help me and changes the subject. "Have you asked your brother if he's going to attend the get-together tonight?"

"Yes," I say. "They're very excited to meet my co-workers."

Her smile fades. I'm not sure what she expected me to say, or what she's expecting to get out of the whole ordeal.

"Rachel, I haven't met Lee yet. I really don't know anything about her, but I promise you that when they break up, I'll put in your name. Okay?"

Her confidence seems to rise. She straightens her posture and neatens the wrinkles in her scrubs. "One more thing, Sera."


"Clean yourself up for tonight. I'm tired of seeing you in scrubs."


Scalding water cleanses all unrighteousness. I could stay here forever and be perfectly content with that fate. I would create a water cocoon and trap myself in this warm world. That way, I wouldn't have to enter back into the unforgiving leviathan that is Gotham.

Alas, the call of duty is a harsh one. I dress in black slacks and a loose, white blouse. Taking Rachel's request to heart, I curl my wavy hair and even put on some makeup. The final touch is a pair of sleek, black heels.

Jim and Lee arrive at Oswald's before the larger party.

"You know this is Penguin's joint, right?"

I remain calm despite his interrogation. "I know. This wasn't my idea."

"Jim," Lee reprimands. "You haven't even introduced me to your sister, and you're already lost in the police world."

"Sera, this is Lee. Lee, Sera."

She shakes my hand. "What a pleasure. I've heard so much about you."

"I must say the same to you. I hear you're the new medical examiner for the GCPD. How's that going?"

"I am!" Lee grins. "It's so exciting. What about the hospital? How do you like it there?"

"It keeps me on my toes!" I shout over the music.

The doctor smiles, sitting beside her boyfriend. "I'm sure it does. Jim, can you relax?"

He glances around constantly, prepared for an attack at any angle. "I'm sure you both can understand why I'm a little tense."

"That's all in the past now," she reassures.

I find her interactions with him odd. Every word she says is calculated. Every gaze is timed perfectly right. It's like she's taking extra steps to keep his temper at bay. Can she be walking on eggshells with him already? Why even stay?

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