Chapter 1

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“Are you coming home for break?” my mom asked through the phone and I sighed pacing around the dorm room.

“I don’t think so…” I started, I really just couldn’t go back yet, the pain is still lingering in my heart and I don’t need to pick at a fresh wound right now.

“Why not sweetie your father and I miss you, we haven’t seen you for three years,” my mom whined completely oblivious to what happened 3 years ago.

“That’s an over exaggeration,” I laughed at her response.

“I know sweetheart but your little brother misses you too, the whole pack misses you,” she said.

“I highly doubt that, anyway I’m busy here studying,” I lied with ease.

“Oh cut the crap, like you’re actually studying,” my mom growled.

“I like it here mom, if I have time I promise I’ll come home to see you guys before break is over,” I said feeling guilty knowing that I wasn’t planning on going home at all.

“No, you’re coming for break,” my mom demanded seriously.

“Mom, I’m 21 now, I have better things to do---,” I started.

“Then visit your family?” my mom cut me off harshly.

“I’ll come if I’m free,” I said.

“And that’s going---,”

“Mom, I have to go,” I lied, I didn’t want her to guilt me into coming back; leaving was the best thing ever for me.

“Okay, sweetie I’ll call later to finish this discussion, love you,” she said as my brother, Chase, began to cry.

“You too,” I hung up.

“Who was that?” my best friend since my freshman year of college, Tina, asked.

     She was tall and had a lean shape with bright blue eyes that I envied and long blonde hair. She was stunning in every way and pretty much every girl was jealous of her, I mean who wouldn't beshe looked like a supermodel. But don’t let her appearance fool you she is one of the most disrespectful and fun people you will ever meet despite her look of innocence.

“My mom, this time begging for me to spend break with her,” I said honestly.

“Why don’t they understand why you won’t go back there?” she asked her eyes getting darker.

“They don’t know so I can’t blame them,” I said honestly.

“If I could meet Dex I would rip his alpha head off!” she growled, I loved her just as much as she loved me I knew she’d take a bullet for me and I’d do the same..

“It’s ok, I’m over it,” I said running my hands through my hair and lying on my bed.

“Right, but you still won’t go back to your pack to face him,” she rolled her eyes seeing right through me.

“I can’t, it’s just…” I closed my eyes feeling the numbness that I’ve built up since I left start to   slowly disappear within me making me want to rip my heart out before the pain took over again.

“Too painful, I know, I could say I get it but I don’t know what it’s like to even have a mate,” I felt the bed sink in next to me as Tina laid down and sighed.

“Well at least you’re trying to understand,” I smiled at her and she hugged me.

“You’d think after 3 years I would be over this sadness whenever someone mentions his name…” I said.

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