Chapter 28

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          So far there hasn’t been any word about the hunters attacking soon, I didn’t know if it was a good thing or bad thing. Meanwhile I’ve been locked in my room on bed rest apparently because I can’t walk without the possibility of hurting myself, Cole is so protective sometimes. I’m lucky he’s letting me go to the hospital and not bringing the doctor here to the house. Cole had sent some of his best fighters to sneak peek at the hunter’s society plans. No one has noticed my pregnancy for now I mean I’m actually huge this werewolf baby is growing fast. I pulled on one of Cole’s t-shirts and some leggings and I walked straight into Cole as I walked through the door.

“Where do you think you’re rushing too alone?” I sighed with irritation.

“I was going to meet you downstairs for our appointment,” I rolled my eyes.

“Well I grabbed some snacks and everything and we’re ready to go,” he smiled cheerfully as he gripped my arm lightly tugging me down the stairs and I chuckled.

“Someone’s excited?”  I said as Cole opened the passenger side door.

“Of course, it’s going to be a boy,” he smiled and I raised my eyebrows.

“How do you know that?” I asked.

“Because it’s instinct,” I rolled my eyes was we drove off to the doctor’s office.

“So anything new with the hunters?” I asked as he tensed up already giving my answer.

“We’re handling it, let’s just have a nice day today, these past few weeks---“

“I know Cole, I’m just worried, you haven’t been sleeping much and the pack looks worn out and tired, you can’t expect them to fight like this and come out victorious, you all need to rest and relax sometime,”

“We can’t, we rest that gives the enemy the chance to sneak up on us,” Cole said.

“Well take shifts, you’re working them to the bone literally Alex and the guys haven’t smiled at all,” I said with disbelief.

“We’re close to the fight nothing will make anyone smile we’re just patiently waiting for them to attack,” Cole pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and I dropped the subject for now, I watched as Cole put on a fake smile and open my door.

“Thank you,” I said as I kissed his lips softly, he just stared at me and then his eyes traced over my face multiple times, almost like he knew something I didn’t and it scared me.

          He grabbed my hand we walked through the doors and he sat me down in a seat. As he walked to the white desk, I watched him and I could tell he was nervous about something but we would talk about it later, I just couldn’t understand why he was keeping this secret.   I saw him grab a clipboard and a pen from the lady and he brought it over to me. I carefully took it from his hands and he sat next to me. I looked around surprised that we we're the only ones here, but then I remembered that the doctor promised to keep this a secret so he probably just had us as a patient today. While I was filling out the paperwork I was still thinking of what he could be keeping from me.

*Cole’s POV*

          I couldn’t sleep; I haven’t been sleeping thinking about what happened in the pack meeting. Everyone was right but I just didn’t want to believe it, but that is the only way---. I lay there in bed watching Emily sleep peacefully with her hands on her round stomach. I was still surprised no one noticed or maybe they did but didn’t want to say anything because they knew if I wanted them to know I would tell them. She was so beautiful; I couldn’t imagine not being with her. I looked at her stomach I was excited to be having a baby but then again I felt robbed of the experience. I was too busy working and not spending enough time with Emily and a mate is supposed to be super overprotective over there baby but I never had time to do that, I didn’t even have time to complain at the baby shower, or go shopping for cribs, diapers, and things like that I was just too busy. I thought of that meeting again and how everyone was on edge.

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