Chapter 26

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            Cole pulled me with him into the room and sat me on his lap onto my bed. I sighed into his arms.

“I’m scared,” Cole admitted to me and I hugged him tighter.

“Why?” I looked up at him through the darkness.

“I don’t want you to get hurt, you would have made this so much easier if you left with the others,” Cole admitted and I pulled away from him and let out a frustrated sigh.

“Why can’t you---“

“I know you want to stay with your father, but if Dex and I get hurt the best thing for you to do is run,” Cole looked at me.

“I would never leave you,” I admitted.

“This time I’m begging you if I get hurt please run as far away as possible,” Cole said as he looked at me.

“I won’t,” I said feeling my heart pounding inside my chest louder than usual.

“You must,” Cole said seriously as he looked at me.

“I won’t leave you Cole,” I said as I walked over to him and held his face in my hands.

“Please,” he begged and I just traced my eyes over his face.

“I love you,” I said to him in a broken voice I couldn’t stand the thought of losing him, he grabbed my hand and kissed the palm.

“I love you too,” he smiled up at me.

          Suddenly I felt my body freeze and his voice was nothing but a background noise.

           I saw the hunters flash before my eyes it was like a movie and I watched there movements and the intricate marks on their skin. They were ready for us. I squinted looking at the lake as it replayed my dream from a slayers point of view. Whoever I was revolted me and made my skin craw as I picked up the gun and shot right through Dex and he howled in pain changing right in front of me, I shifted the gun towards my body and I tried to scream for help for Dex but then I saw a tear leave my wolf’s eye as I changed back and looked so vulnerable, the trigger was pulled and I looked up as the bullet barely missed me. I underestimated my opponent as I heard the death piercing howl of Cole’s wolf. I looked up to see him in human form as motionless as Dex and I cried. I could only help one. I wouldn’t leave them I heard the bullet whiz away from the trigger as the bullet pierced strait through my heart and my body felt happy, the person who was responsible for this was laughing and enjoying this.

           I screamed and I jolted awake to hear the sound of a heart monitor. I felt a hand squeeze mine and I opened my eyes to see I was in an all white room. I smelled the blood before I saw it and Cole jumped up from beside me I couldn’t speak and I tried too. I heard him faintly yell for a doctor as I began to fall into to darkness again. Just as I was about to let my eyes droop into the darkness that called to me, I felt Cole’s hand touch my face and I fought to keep my eyes open.

“Cole,” I groaned and he smiled at me I could tell something was wrong, the broken way he stared at me.

“What’s wro---“I tried to ask it but I started coughing and I felt blood drip from my nose and I saw Cole shed tears as he called for a doctor immediately.

          The doctor walked in and I felt my eyes start to tear up. What was happening to me? The doctor ran over to me and the nurses rushed around me as they stuck a needle into the IV. I felt my eyes drooping almost immediately and I passed out for the second time today.

          I woke up to my father sleeping in a chair pulled up next  to my bed and I smiled at him as I tried to move but my body was still waking up from the sedative the nurse gave me. I turned to my right and saw Dex sleeping in a chair near the wall. I heard footsteps heading this way and my heart monitor beeped faster as I knew who was rounding the corner. When he saw me he came running and he immediately hugged me.

“She’s awake?” I heard the doctor said cheerfully.

“I’m awake,” I said my voice was a little hoarse.

“We have the results?” he looked to Cole and Cole held my hands.

“What results?” I asked.

“We know what’s wrong with you, the fainting and the nose bleeding, and coughing,” the doctor said as he listed more of my symptoms.

          I looked at my dad and Dex who were still sleeping; they probably haven’t gotten any sleep these last few days.

“Is it bad?” I knew the answer judging by my symptoms it sounded horrible.

“No,” the doctor reassured me.

“You’re mate is an Alpha,” the doctor said and I squeezed Cole’s hand.

“Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?” I asked confused.

“It’s natural for an Alpha’s mate to experience these symptoms when pregnant,” the doctor said.

          My jaw dropped and I was speechless, I was pregnant. He must’ve made a mistake. Cole didn’t say anything so I took it upon myself to ask.

“What?” I asked.

“You mean you didn’t know?” the doctor asked confused.

“How would I know?” I asked.

“Well you’re pretty far along, at about 2 months,” the doctor told me and my mouth dropped open.

“Werewolf pregnancies are shorter than an average human’s pregnancy and they come with much more risks,” the doctor said and I just couldn’t believe those words.

“Haven’t you experienced nausea?” the doctor asked curiously.

“Yes she has,” Cole answered for me and I looked over at him.

“I didn’t know,” I said as I looked at the doctor.

“Don’t you keep track of your menstrual?” the doctor asked and I gasped, he was right I didn’t even notice that I missed it two months straight I was so caught up with Cole and Dex and thinking about returning to college, I didn’t think---.

“Oh my god, I’m pregnant,” I whispered and Cole looked at me and smiled at me.

“We’re going to be parents,” Cole smiled as he kissed my lips and I automatically smiled at the warmness that spread through my body.

“I can’t believe I never noticed?” Cole said.

“How would you know?” I asked.

“A pregnant wolf gives off this smell and it’s not bad but it just doesn’t appeal to other male wolves except your mate,” the doctor said and I thought of what Dex had told me and Chris and his friends, I was so oblivious to it all.

“Thank you,” Cole smiled at the doctor and squeezed my hand some more.

“Can you do an ultrasound?” I asked curiously.

“We can but we wouldn’t be able to actually know the sex of the baby---“

“How long do Alpha wolf pregnancies last?” I asked and the doctor smiled.

“Usually around 5 months,”

“So I only have 3 months left?” I asked.

“Yep, and we can find out the sex of the baby by next month,” the doctor smiled at me and I smiled back.

          I never thought of myself as a mother but now that I have Cole it didn’t seem so bad. I leaned towards him and kissed his lips softly. He smiled as he pulled away.

“You’re already showing, I just thought you were getting chubby,” he admitted and I hit him in the shoulder.

“I am not,” and I looked down curiously I was getting a little chubby, I smiled at the thought of Cole and I with our baby living happily ever after.

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