Chapter 22

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          We laughed and belted the lyrics to ‘Just Dance’ by Lady GaGa. This has to be the most fun I’ve had with Dex in a while. I loved being close to him again. I stared at him as he sang and I laughed with him.

“Why are you staring?” he asked smiling at me, he was always so handsome, Kim is a lucky girl.

“I don’t know,” I smiled as I continued to stare.

“Stop it,” he chuckled.

“Or what?” I teased.

“Or I’ll get Kim to beat you up again,” I snorted at that.

“I’d like to see her try,” I smiled at him as I looked out the window.

“I know, I think you put her in her place,” Dex said seriously as he glanced over to me.

“I think so too,” I smiled to myself.

          I looked out the window and saw we were at the park already. I smiled as I ran out the car leaving Dex behind. I was running to the swings when Dex grabbed me and stopped me from running.

“What?” I snapped at him.

“I want that swing,” he said as he ran after the one I wanted.

“Cheater!” I screamed at him.

“Sore loser!” he laughed as he sat on the swing, I took the other one and glared at him.

“Oh come on don’t be like that,” he pouted and I rolled my eyes.

“You’ve always done this even when we were kids,” I crossed my arms.

“Fine, you can have this swing,” he hopped off and I hugged him and ran to that swing.

“So what’s been going on since I’ve been gone?” he asked as he got behind me and started to push me.

“Nothing much,” I said honestly.

“What did you do for summer break at the other pack?” he asked creating conversation.

“Nothing really, I hung out with friends, met Cole,” I said dreamily.

“Cole, he’s so dreamy,” Dex teased and I laughed at his imitation of me.

“Shut up,” I smiled at him.

“No,” he teased.

          I jumped off the swing and tackled him to the ground. He easily flipped us over so I was underneath him. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed.

“You’re so childish,” he laughed at me.

“And you’re on top of me,” I stated the obvious.

“You tackled me, not the other way around,” he smiled at me.

           I pushed him off me and ran away form him, he chased after me and I laughed. He tackled me to the ground and I looked up at him.

“Don’t do it Dex,” I warned as his hands started tickling me and I couldn’t stop laughing.

“Stop…” I panted as he continued to tickle me.

“Want some ice-cream?” I laughed at the randomness of his question.

“Sure,” I panted trying to catch my breath.

          He helped me up and pulled me towards his car. We drove to a small ice-cream shop and he ordered two vanilla filled cones with rainbow sprinkles. He passed one to me and he took the other one and we sat near the window of the ice-cream shop laughing at nothing in particular and enjoying ice-cream. When the day came to an end I was a little sad to leave him after the great day we had.

“Well I guess this is goodbye for today?” he asked disappointed.

“Yeah,” I said also disappointed.

“I’ll see you soon hopefully,” he smiled sadly at me.

“Yeah,” I smiled at him and squeezed his hand as I walked out the car towards the door I left my keys inside so Cole had to come answer the door when I saw him I tackled him with a hug and we both smiled at each other.

*Dex’s POV*

          I watched as Emily waited at the door and Cole answered it. Her beautiful smile lit up her face and she hugged him. I couldn’t help the tear that escaped my eye as I thought how that could’ve been me. I smiled sadly as I watched how happy she was I pulled out of the driveway and toward my house. I was upset but I meant my words Cole was a good guy the better match for her. My heart ached but I realized she would never love me like before, I walked passed my mother and into my room as tears streaked my face I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I was so upset that I lost her. There was a knock on my door but I didn’t answer it. My dad came through the door and sat next to me.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” my dad said and I looked up at him and smiled sadly.

“I was scared,” I admitted, my dad pulled me into a hug, he knew about Emily, about everything.

*Emily’s POV*

          I was lying in bed next to Cole and we watched each other in the darkness that enveloped my room. Cole’s fingers traced the features of my face and I smiled at him. I felt like something big was coming, I didn’t know if it would be good or bad yet though. My stomach twisted and I jolted out of the bed and into my bathroom. Cole ran after me and I started throwing up my whole dinner. Cole held my hair and rubbed circles in to my back. I leaned away from the toilet still feeling nauseous; I just sat next to the toilet. Cole flushed the toilet and sat next to me.

“Are you okay?” he asked with concern, I looked up at him and smiled.

“I hope so,” I smiled at him and felt my eyes drift shut and carry me into darkness.

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