Chapter 4

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          I pulled out a tank top with shorts from my suitcase and undergarments as I made my way to my own bathroom! I saw the towel already neatly folded next to my marble sink. I took a look at the beautiful décor and the gorgeous shower; I wonder who designed this house. I stripped and went into the shower letting my muscles relax. I couldn’t help myself as I thought of Dex he’s been on my mind more and more lately. I started to compare the Dex from my dream to Cole, and it scared me. The way I felt in Dex’s arms in that dream could never compare to the kiss Cole and I shared. But the way Dex looked at me so intense with passion--- that was a dream, though I can’t help but wish it was real and not real at the same time. I miss him and if I saw him in person I know I would want him back. Yet Cole comes and makes me feel different but just as good as Dex. The water ran cold and I came out and pulled on my pajamas. I blow-dried my long brown hair and put it into a ponytail. I made my way towards Emmett’s loud voice in the living room.

“Emily!” Emmett yelled smiling at me.

“Hey guys so what are we doing?” I asked as I sat on the sofa.

“Let’s watch a movie?” Edward said giving me his famous lop-sided grin.

“I’m coo—“

Ding dong!

“Pizza’s here!” Damon yelled as him and Cole raced to the door, Tina and I shook our heads at each other.

“Boys!” we both mumbled then giggled.

“So want to watch a movie?” Tina asked as the boys came in with 7 boxes of pizza and 7 two-liter sodas.

“Yeah, Edward you can pick the movie,” I said as I took my pizza from Cole and the bottle of root beer from Damon.

“Hey I wanted the root beer!” Cole complained as he sent me a sexy smirk.

“Too bad!” I stuck my tongue at him.

“Please,” he said.

“You can have some---“

“But I want the whole thing!” he complained as he got closer to me on the couch.

“No,” I said over my loud heartbeat.

“Please,” he kissed my cheek and that feeling came back making me blush.

“Some?” I asked.

“Deal,” he sighed as he backed away.

“What are we watching?” Cole asked as he put his arm around my shoulders.

“The Grudge,” Edward said.

“Are you serious?” Tina asked.

“You scared?” Damon winked at her.

“No, that movie was crap!” Tina said as she went into the kitchen and came out with glasses filled with ice.

“No, that movie was awesome!” Stefan said.

“Yeah right, let’s watch the exorcist,” Damon said.

“No, the devil inside,” Emmett said.

“Or we could just watch bad girls club,” Cole said as we all looked at him shocked.

“What, the girls are sexy,” Cole defended as we rolled our eyes.

“What do you want to watch Emily?” Damon asked. 

“Paranormal Activity three,” I said.

“Fine, we’ll watch paranormal activity,” everyone grunted and I smiled as Edward put in the DVD.

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