Chapter 18

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            My heart hurt, Cole saw well he thought he saw me kissing Dex. I didn’t kiss him back. I was panicking tears slid down my cheek, after hearing that heart shattering howl I didn’t have the strength to go after him. I fell to my knees and Dex was trying to get me to talk to him but I was frozen. I couldn’t do or say anything. How could I be so stupid, I should’ve brought Cole with me when I went to see Dex I should’ve known Dex would pull something like this? It wasn’t only Dex’s fault  I didn’t even tell Cole who I was going to meet, that probably made me seem even guiltier. Dex tried to grab my arm but I screamed at him.

“Don’t touch me!” I snapped at him.

“Emily, I’m sorry I didn’t---“

“That’s the problem you never think, I thought that maybe if I came to talk to you we could just be friends…” I trailed off.

“How could you ask me to be just be friends with you, you were my mate,”

“Was as in past tense your mate, I picked Cole you need to either get over it or stay out of my life!” I yelled at him, I knew I was being harsh and taking my anger out on him but at the moment I didn’t care.

“You won’t be able to kick me out of your life,” he said softly as he stared at me.

“Watch me,” I growled as I got up and walked away towards my home leaving him at the lake.

          When I got inside everything was dark and everyone was asleep, I didn’t know where Cole was. I went into my room and laid in a fetal position on my bed as I cried. I felt so alone without him. I needed him but he needed time and I respected that. I fell asleep and woke up two hours later on alert. I saw a dark figure in the corner of my room, my heart jumped.

“Cole,” I whispered as I reached to turn on the light, he was there but he was gone by the time the light turned on.

          He always had perfect timing on when to come in if only he heard the rest of the conversation and not just half. Tears slid down my cheek as I thought about how happy we were earlier in the day. Then everything had to come crashing down. That seemed to happen a lot, I have a good day then it just crumbles apart at the end. I missed Cole so much. I fell asleep just to wake up the next morning to Cole’s voice in the kitchen. I immediately got up and ran down the stairs not caring how I looked just getting out of bed with the same clothes I had on yesterday. My dad was laughing with my mom as Cole was playing with Chase. When I rounded the corner my dad smiled.

“Good morning sweetheart,” my dad smiled at me.

“Hey dad, morning mom,” I looked over to Cole and my mom cleared her throat as she took Chase and pulled dad out the room giving us privacy.

“Hey,” I said to Cole he didn’t even look at me, he just looked out into the backyard.


“Listen, you don’t need to explain it to me, I get it, and I just need some time,” he said still not making eye contact with me, I whimpered.

“You don’t get it Cole,” I said.

“Yes, I do, he kissed you, you didn’t kiss back right?” he asked.

“Then if you know why are---“

“Because regardless of what happened it still hurts, I’m not mad at you I just need time,” Cole looked me in my eye and I nodded as tears started to roll down my cheeks again.

“I’m going to take a shower,” I said as I left him and went into my bathroom to take a shower.

          I relaxed into the water and heard my phone vibrate. I looked at it and saw it was a text from Dex, I ignored it and blow dried my hair and put on some leggings with a long shirt. I lay on my bed and listened to music for hours in the day, I never left my room. Someone walked into my room, but since it wasn’t Cole I didn’t care, I felt the bed dip next to me. I opened my eyes to see Dex.

“I won’t try anything, having you at least as a friend is better than not having you at all,” Dex said before I could speak.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you yesterday,” I got up from the bed I didn’t feel comfortable having Dex lay with me in a bed.

“I deserved it,” Dex said.

“I’m sorry I caused this between you and Cole,” Dex actually sounded sincere and I smiled softly at him.

“It’s okay,” I smiled at him.

“I’m willing to tell him what really happened---“

“He knows what’s happened he just needs time, it still hurt him,” I smiled sadly.

“I never wanted to hurt you,” he pulled me into a hug and it was surprisingly comfortable as I hugged him back.

“You say that a lot to me,” I smiled.

“Because I suck, I keep hurting you,” he admitted with a sigh as the door opened and Cole came in and walked out slamming the door behind him, I jumped and pulled away from Dex.

“Wow he has perfect timing,” Dex said.

“I know,” I rolled my eyes as I walked out to do damage control.

          He always walks in at the wrong time, Cole needs to realize that we're mates I will never look at man the way I look at him not even Dex. I followed Cole storming through the house and into my back yard.

“Cole!” I yelled.

“What?” he asked as he turned around.

“Why do you keep doing this?” I asked.

“Doing what?”

“Just come in and talk to me,” I said pleadingly and he sighed.

“About?” he asked

“Us, do you not trust me?” I asked.

“Well I walk in twice on you kissing Dex then we fight and I walk in on you hugging him—“

“Cole, where am I right now?” I asked as I looked at him.

“Here,” he said confused.

“With you, if I wanted Dex I could still be with him,” I said.


“Can we talk about this inside, I really don’t need you going wolf and leaving again,” I said.

“Fine,” he grunted and I followed him into my room, luckily Dex took the hint and disappeared from my room.

“What?” he asked me as he sat on my bed.

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