Chapter 10

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“Tina and Cole Ryans!” I held my head as I heard Janet yelling through the house.

          I heard a groan next to me and looked at Tina. We fell asleep in her room last night.

“Too much pink,” I groaned as I sat up.

“Shh!” Tina said as she held her head.

“I think your mom is looking for you,” I said as I got up and looked in her mirror.

          Wow I look like crap. I had dark circles around my eyes, smeared make up, and the same clothes I wore last night were on. I walked out the bathroom and went into the hallway everything was a mess. I held my head and staggered into my room.

“Oh good, you’re up, do you know where Tina is?” Janet asked me.

“She’s asleep in her room,” I yawned as I trudged towards the bathroom.

          I immediately went in the shower and turned on the water. The nice warm water hitting my body woke me up and I smiled softly though I had a faint headache. I didn’t drink that much last night but I’m pretty sure Tina was hung over I would hate to be her right now.  When I got out I washed all the sleep and make up away from my face. I walked into the closet and took out a pair of leggings and a loose t-shirt. I quickly went downstairs and came face to face with Jake.

“Hey Jake,” I smiled sheepishly at him as I saw the state of the house.

“What did you guys do?” he asked astonished.

“We threw an awesome party,” I smiled.

“I see, so who do you think is going to clean?” he asked.

“We are,” Cole called as he walked down the stairs.

“Hey Emily,” he smirked at me, and I blushed remembering last night.

“Hi,” I said in a small voice.

“If you want to get this house cleaned before the rest of the pack gets here, I suggest you all start now,” I just realized that Tina and the boys were all downstairs leaning on things looking dead tired.

“We’ll start now,” Cole answered for us, Cole and I seemed to be the only ones not suffering from the effects of drinking last night.

          Jake walked upstairs and left us to clean.

“So Emily and I will pick up the garbage around the house, Tina and Stefan will vacuum the rooms, Damon and Edward will mop, and Alex and Emmett just make sure everything is in its, proper place oh and put away all the equipment,” Cole ordered and everyone went there separate ways.

“Wow, you’re pretty good at ordering people around,” I smiled as he got two garbage bags from the kitchen.

“Alpha genes,” he bragged as he winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

          We turned on some music and started singing and dancing as we helped clean up.

“Shut up!” Emmett yelled as he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to get a drink.

“We’re great singers,” I teased.

“You’re also tone deaf,” Emmett rolled his eyes.

“Shouldn’t you be cleaning?” Cole raised an eyebrow at him.

“I finished,” Emmett shrugged.

“How could you finish that quick?” I asked astonished.

“We all finished and even did some of your part, and as for finishing quickly well we weren’t singing and dancing while cleaning,” Emmett said as I blushed.

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