Chapter 8 : Training Time!

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"Almost, Suzume. Focus. You can-..."

"AH!" Suzume shrieked, before she fell into the water. Her head re-appeared out side the water, gasping for air.

"You can shut up!" She finished her sensei's sentence, glaring at him. She swam towards the land, and lay on the ground, panting heavily. Sakumo chuckled softly.

"And that's the third time you took a bath in this lake."

"You keep talking! I can't concentrate!" Suzume growled.

"Suzume, your enemy wouldn't stop talking while you walk on water. You even might fight there. You must be able to walk on water with many disturbances around."

"I know..." She groaned, before she sat back up.

"Give me that ramen you promised me. Let me eat it, and then I will continue. Or better yet, let me try walking on water while eating that, and listening to your useless ramblings about your hair."


Kakashi grunted as he fell on the ground once again.

"Try harder Kakashi, y'know, your dad wi-"

"I know, I know! You've said it a thousand times!" Kakashi shouted, his patience running thin. He glared at the blond man in front of him.

"I can and will do this, Minato-sensei. I will, watch me." He said. Minato smiled cheekily at him.

"Hm, I wonder how Suzu-chan is doing with Sakumo-san? She's probably much better than you n-"

"Be quiet!" Kakashi yelled before he charged at the giant tree once again. He concentrated his chakra into the soles of his feet and pushed against the tree trunk, managing around 8 steps before marking it with his kunai and flipping back down. He panted as he felt the training take a toll on him.

"I can do this," He muttered. "I'll become a better shinobi than Banshee for sure..."

Minato gazed at the silverette proudly. Sakumo, you sure have raised a wonderful son, he thought. The fire burning within him shines brightly as the one in Suzume...

"Oof!" Kakashi grunted. Minato smirked at the boy.

"You sound like an old woman. Try harder!" He ordered, making the Hatake scowl at him, before the boy ran up the tree once again.


"Hey, Hatake." Suzume called, as she took a sip of her orange juice, "Give me some update on your training."

"Your brother's an *ss."

Suzume burst out laughing. "I'm so happy someone can finally relate to my pain!"

Kakashi chuckled. "What about my dad?"

"Let's just say that now I know where you got your bragging habit from."

Kakashi scoffed. "Talk about yourself, Shōto."

"Stop calling me that! One day I'm going to be taller than you!"

Kakashi laughed. "Dream on, Namikaze! The abnormal height is running through your veins already!"

Suzume huffed. "See? Bragging. I'm not short, you're just tall. Instead of making me taller, my DNA was used to make my brain better. Yours is the opposite." With that, she grinned, before she walked away.

"Oi! Namikaze!"


Sakumo and Minato smiled at the scene in front of them.

"You're an ass, huh?" Sakumo smirked, chuckling. Minato looked at him with a sheepish expression.

"At least I'm not known to be a bragger," He joked, but quickly froze when he saw Sakumo's blank face. Minato sweat dropped. "Sorry. Joking. I was just joking Sakumo-san..." He recovered.

Sakumo stared at the blond next to him in amusement then looked back to the two children in front of them fondly. He hummed.

"Minato..." He started.


"Those two... I wonder what the future will hold for the both of them?" Sakumo asked with a low voice. Minato's confused face turned to a serious one as he looked at Kakashi and Suzume laughing as they playfully pushed each other.

"Yeah, I wonder that too." He admitted. "But those two...they really do have a strong fire burning within them. I'm sure that, whatever challenges they may face, they will do well and overcome them in the future. Together."

Sakumo nodded, before quickly ducking as a kunai hit the tree behind him. Right where his head had just been. Minato gulped as both he and Sakumo looked in front of them.

"Suzume, I think I have a better word to describe them." Kakashi said, twirling another kunai between his fingers. Suzume raised an eyebrow.

"Let me guess." She said, before she throws another kunai, which indeed managed to cut a few strands of Minato's blonde hair. Minato froze, now sweating.

"Stalker." They said in unison, grinning behind the piece of fabric that covered half of their faces.

And with that, they disappeared.

"You already taught her the teleportation jutsu?" Minato asked regaining control of his body. Sakumo shrugged, sighing.

"You did the same. Anyways, why didn't they do anything to us?"

"I bet they will, and and my guts say that it involves Kushina."

"With their intelligence, spirit, and amazing teamwork, they would make great partners. Maybe even better than us."


"Kushina-nee!" Suzume called. Kakashi pushed the door open wide enough to let both him and Suzume in the house.

"Kushina-senpai!" He too, called out. They paused by the stairs when they heard a pair of footsteps running down. They watched the familiar red head smile at them, and they smiled in return as she hugged them.

"What's up? Dattebane?" Kushina asked the two kids after ruffling their hair. Suzume and Kakashi scowled as they fixed their hair, but laughed when they saw each other.

Suzume smirked. "Nii-san and Sakumo-san were stalking me and Kakashi, so..."

"Can you please help us get them back, Kushina-san?" Kakashi finished. The woman stroked her chin as a mischievous light shined from her eyes.

"Hm...okay, dattebane!" She chuckled. "I think I know exactly what to do those stalkers..."


Minato let out a sigh. "She's my little sister, Kushina. I'm the big brother, yet I can't make fun of her. Every time I do, she pulled pranks on me."

Kushina giggled. "Your point, dattebane?"

"Where's my pride?!"

Kushina only winked. "Get used to it, dattebane. Besides, think about Sakumo-san. Kakashi is his son."

He scoffed. "Suzume is a girl."

In an instant, the aura changed. "Minato-kun... What's wrong with being a girl?" Kushina asked slowly, as her red hair rose, and she clenched her fists.

Minato gulped.

"I'm screwed."


Please forgive us >.<

This chapter may or may not be a filler only...

But it's better than nothing, right?

The climax is coming in about 2 chapters... Just wait.

Thanks for your patience.

Please be kind enough to leave a comment or two.

Thank you.

~MidRav and Angel, her co-writer

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