Chapter 6 : Great News

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Minato and Sakumo cringed as they exited the Hokage Office, after they gave their mission report.

They recalled Hiruzen's words, "Kakashi and Suzume are really geniuses. They interrogated the gates' guards and now call Kushina 'sensei'."

Minato could only guess what's gonna happen next.

As he and Sakumo entered Kushina's house, they couldn't help but flinch at the silence.

Out of nowhere, Kushina trotted in. "Welcome back, dattebane! Suzume and Kakashi have some surprises for you! Go to her room, dattebane!"

Minato looked at Kushina, and gulped. That glint in her eyes... it was so familiar...


Minato stopped in front of the door. He was about to ask Kushina about the 'surprise', but Sakumo had already pushed the door open, dragging him in with him.

Immediately surprised gasps escaped the men's mouths as they felt the frigid water soak their hair and clothes.

Shivering, the two men clenched their teeth to prevent it from chattering. Minato's eyed narrowed.

"S-S-Suzume! C-Come out here, right n-now!" He yelled, ignoring the fact that he had stuttered. Sakumo nodded and also bellowed, "Ka-Kakashi. You too!"

There was a pause, then the two soaking wet men heard chuckles from behind the wooden drawers by the wall. They watched as the two culprits walked out from behind it, arms crossed over their chests and smirks on their faces.

Suzume and Kakashi gave each other a nod then addressed the two adults in the room.

"Well look at what the cat dragged in, huh banshee?" asked Kakashi.

Suzume shook her head, still smirking. "Mhm, two big fishes have been caught doing some very naughty things," she said. "But do they know why...?"

Minato gulped. He couldn't move normally, due to the lack of chakra and the wet clothes on him. And now, he could only watch as his little sister approached him, before pulling out his wallet, Kakashi doing the same to his father.

"Kushina-nee! Here's for the ramen!" Suzume shouted. Kushina ran in, grinning ear to ear.

"Thank you, dattebane! Your debts are paid!" The red head said, as she took the wallets from Kakashi and Suzume.

"Wh-What have you done...?" Minato asked in disbelief. He had just received his payment for his mission, and the money's gone now?!

Suzume scoffed, once again folding her arms, but it was Kakashi who replied.

"Well if the two of you hadn't set us up, then this wouldn't have happened, huh Minato-san and dad?"

Suzume nodded her agreement.

There was a pregnant pause as the two Namikazes and Hatakes stared each other down. Kushina sweat dropped and scratched her neck.

"Well this is fun and all, but I think Hokage-sama wanted you two, right, dattebane?" She said, looking at the still soaking wet men. Their eyes grew wide and poor Kushina froze as all four pairs of eyes slowly looked at her.

"I thought you already gave your mission report?" Suzume asked, causing Kushina to laugh and shake her head.

"Don't you know, dattebane?" She started. "The Hokage wants to talk to them about you two!"

Suzume and Kakashi turned to each other, raising an eyebrow. Well if that's the case...

Suddenly, they both smirked. They looked at Kushina.

"Kushina-senpai, is it okay if we try out another trap? Kakashi and I still have some other blueprints." Suzume offered.

The redhead grinned wider. "Of course, dattebane! Now, Minato, Sakumo, get out, get out!" She ordered, and pushed the two men out of the house.

The men froze in the doorway when they heard the sound of the door locked. Sakumo and Minato gulped when Kakashi yelled, "The houses are locked! We kept the keys!" Then Suzume shouted, "Make sure to come here before dinner!"

Everything went worse after that.

"Don't you even think of teleporting to the houses, dattebane! I put lots of seals there!"

Minato and Sakumo looked at each other and sighed.

"We're doomed."


"So, Minato, Sakumo," Hiruzen started, an amused smile on his face. "Half an hour ago, your clothes weren't this drenched. Care to tell me the story?"

"Kushina-senpai and her little daredevils..." Minato replied between his gritted teeth, sarcasm dripping from his words.

"Anyways, I have to talk about the 'daredevils', as how you call it." The Hokage said, as he pulled out some files, handing one to each of them. "Read this. It's the reports about their scores at the Academy."

Sakumo's jaws fell agape. "This... This is..." He trailed off, obviously shocked.

"Yes. Perfect scores in almost every subject. They really are geniuses." The Hokage confirmed, "I was thinking of giving them an early graduation test."

Minato's mouth opened and closed. He knew that Suzume was smart and that Kakashi was too, being Sakumo's son and all, but he would never had expected this!

A small smile spread across Minato's and Sakumo's faces, causing Hiruzen to chuckle. Even a blind man could see the pride and joy in their eyes.

"Well what are the two of you waiting for?" asked Hiruzen. "Go ahead and tell those two the good news. You're dismissed!"

And with that the Hatake and Namikaze teleported back into Kushina's home completely forgetting about the traps that lay within.

As they appeared inside the Uzumaki's house, they were greeted by a bag of flour which fell from above them.

Laughs were heard from behind them. Minato's eyes twitched and Sakumo coughed. The flour stuck on their wet clothes.

Sakumo sighed. "You know, if we found another trap, Minato and I won't tell you the surprise."

Kakashi froze. Suzume raised an eyebrow.

"Well, if that's the case, then fine. We'll continue the punishment on another day, dattebane." Kushina calmly said, as she made some handsigns, deactivating her seals.

"Get changed, dattebane. I'm preparing dinner."

The two men obeyed, and left.

"Uh, Kushina-nee, do you have any idea about the... surprise?" Suzume asked, and the woman shrugged.

"Maybe it's about the Academy? I mean, you two have great grades, dattebane."

Suzume's eyebrows furrowed. Is the surprise really about that...?


Soon after Minato and Sakumo cleaned themselves up, they went to the living room where the two daredevils were waiting.

Suzume looked at her brother. "So what's this oh-so-big surprise, nii-san?" She asked as Kakashi hummed in agreement. Minato looked at Sakumo. "You do the honors then?" Sakumo grunted.

"Hokage-sama spoke to us today about your grades at school." He began, watching alarm cross between the children's faces, and acknowledgement pass through Suzume's eyes. He suppressed a smile when he saw them both look at each other accusingly as if saying, what did you do? through their facials. Minato coughed.

"No, it isn't anything bad, don't worry." He reassured the kids.

Suzume and Kakashi visibly relaxed. Then Kakashi looked at his dad. "Wait, so then, what's the big surprise?" This caused Minato and Sakumo to chuckle.

"He said," Minato began, "That the two of you have been getting top marks for every subject. That you're geniuses. And that because you're geniuses..." He trailed off.

"You can graduate the academy earlier than everybody else." Finished Sakumo.

Shock filled the children's system as they eyes grew wide. Minato laughed as Kakashi and Suzume looked at each other yet again. Exactly how many times they've done that today, he wasn't quite sure.

"Wh-what?" Kakashi and Suzume asked.

"I said, that Hokage-sama said, that you two can graduate early from the-..."

"OH MY KAMI!!!!" Screamed out the small Namikaze. She quickly jumped up to her feet and pulled Kakashi up with her.

"H-hey, banshee-..."

"WE CAN GRADUATE EARLY KAKASHI!!!!" yelled Suzume, causing Kakashi to freeze. She said his real name.

"Let me go!" Kakashi protested, but Suzume grinned wider.


Kakashi's eyes twitched. He took a deep breath.

"WOOHOO!!!!" He yelled, right in front of Suzume's ear.

She fell to the floor.

"Kami that hurts." She muttered, rubbing her ear. "No need to make me deaf."

"Well, it's more fun that way."

The young Hatake received a slap at the back of his head, causing Minato to laugh and Sakumo to chuckle.


Hehe.... Another chapter....

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This Author Note is useless.

See you later~

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