Chapter 1

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Jason's POV


Groggily, I picked up my alarm clock and threw it to the farthest corner in my room. I swear, one day I'm going to throw that junk away! I mean, who wants to wake up to a robot-like voice telling you to wake up OVER AND OVER AGAIN! Man, there's only too much a guy can take!

I got a hold of my cellphone to check if there were any messages left for me while i was sleeping.I was sliding my finger down my iPhone. Most of them were from my girlfriend, Felicia. She had left me 10 messages giving me gruesome details of how she was getting horny all night and wanted me with her. I asked myself, WHY?!  

Then, I came across a message that put a smile on my face and made checking my phone worthwhile. It was from Rachel, my best friend. This girl will never stop insulting me will she? Her exact words were "YOU FUCKER YOU SLEPT OVER THE PHONE!" That girl was seriously unique. She will express her love for you through insults. Yet, that was the best part about Rachel. It reminded me of last night when I was up on the phone talking to Rachel all night about the most random things possible. She was telling me all about her trip to Europe this summer and how she wanted to move to Italy because of the hot guys there. Rachel does everything for me. She will do my homework and sometimes I think i take her for granted. She is always so nice to me. YEAH RIGHT.

Rachel's a total bitch. But a good one. She is one of those girls who will be extremely nice to you, but if you get on her bad side, will screw you over. She is extremely frank to me and that is why I love her. Oh and no we are not the pair of best friends where the girl is a nerd and suddenly she gets a makeover resulting in me falling in love with her. Rachel is already one of the hottest girls in school. She has fair skin, naturally skinny and is a brunette with curly hair. I would have dated her, but sadly the first time i tried flirting with her she slapped me right across my face. She is WILD. I could never like her because she's the complete opposite of me. I am a player, while she believes in prince charming.

The beep of a car horn snapped me back to the real world. Rachel was here to pick me up and I had not even gotten dressed. I rushed into the washroom and took a quick shower. I looked at myself in the mirror at my blooshot hazel eyes. Damn, I really needed to start sleeping early. I ran a hand through my shaggy brown hair, which, according to the girls gave me a "hot, messy look".

I quickly packed my bad, reminding myself to keep my soccer uniform well. State championships were coming up and being the captain of the team meant I had to work extra hard. I had to go to the gym sometime this week as well, maintaining this body wasn't an easy job.

I made my way downstairs, grabbing an apple from the kitchen and met Rachel in her white BMW.

"Next time, think about me too, okay?"

We parted ways as soon as we reached school. We were juniors now. She went on to meet with the girls and her little "prince". I found my boys in the parking lot only. I was closest to Andy and Chad. Chad had a major crush on Rachel, although he will never admit it and he knows I will cut off his balls. That girl had not even gotten her first kiss yet and Chad was all about getting physical. Oh and she also had a boyfriend. His name is Zack and he is the kind of guy who most girls will call their "Boy next door". He is a nice guy, but if he breaks her heart or tries to hurt her I will break his face. Although I am pretty sure Rachel would love doing that herself. Being petite, she has the strength of a man.

We entered school a while later and I saw the most disturbing things ever which made me regret coming to school altogether. Walking towards me was Felicia in a jeans mini skirt and a light green tank top. She had black hair and was quite a beautiful girl. Oh except for the fact that it looked as if she had planted soccer balls on her chest. Boob job gone wrong. Definitely.

But, that was the least of my worries. Against the lockers I witnessed Rachel making out with her boyfriend. Her fingers were raking his hair and he had his arms around her waist. Had i missed out on something? When did they kiss even? When did she get so... experienced? WHEN DID SHE EVEN HIT PUBERTY?!

With a smirk on my face, I screamed "Get a room!". Rachel gave me the dirtiest look possible, but soon it was replaced with a smile when Zack started caressing her cheek. I need to throw up. 

The bell rang soon afterward and the students started making their way towards their classes. I had English Literature. That class was absolutely boring. Zack and Rachel were usually occupied staring at each other and giving flirty signs. Occasionally one of the bimbos would try and flirt with me , but they were too easy. Things could not go any further than a hook up with them. Felicia was the leader of the bimbos. The only reason i was still with her was because she refused to call herself my ex-girlfriend. And I did not really care, she knew I was making out with other girls behind her back and she was doing the same. The label "Jason Walker's girlfriend" pleased her and I have no idea why.

I entered class and saw that everyone was already seated. Mrs. Henderson was a plump, elderly lady, with short curly hair and spectacles that sat at the brim of her nose.

"Why, how nice of you to join us, Mr. Walker?"

"Oh the pleasure is all mine." I replied while giving her a smirk. I went on to take my seat and gave Rachel a wink. Surprisingly she chuckled and gave me a flying kiss. Zack glared at me and I said, "What? She was MY girl before. Piss off." A couple of students laughed and some even hooted. However, Zack did not feel the same way as I could see him clenching his fists. Rachel gave him a small smile which eased him up a bit. Oh yeah Zack hated me because of how close I was to Rachel. Well, she's my friend first and if he cannot accept that then he can kiss my arse.

Rachel's POV.

God Jason can be such an ass sometimes. I don't know why he always feel that it is his duty to piss Zack off. Yet still, he is my best friend. Our playful nature is the only thing we have in common. He has been with me through my ups and downs. The only thing off about him is his playboy nature, but when I think about it I can't really blame the boy after all he has been through.

I glanced towards Zack and smiled. He was such a nice guy and sometimes I thought I was so lucky to have him. He had baby blue eyes and blond curly hair. His body was also totally hot. He wasn't an arse like Jason, he was a gentleman. He respected me and my body. He even waited for our first kiss. He finally got his wish when I kissed him last night on our two month anniversary. He had taken me to the movies and I had made the first move. He was shocked at first, but then quickly responded. We ended up making out during the whole movie.

I turned my attention to my English book and a note landed on my desk. I unfolded it and saw the word "Baby ;)" written upon it. gave out a small chuckle as I realized who sent me this. Two minutes later another note landed on my desk. My laughter slipped and unfortunately, I was able to attract the rest of the class's attention and the teacher asked my partner and best friend, Lucy to read the note in front of everyone. Her eyes went wide as she saw what was written and she even blushed s.

"Um..I don't think I should.."


Um 'My name is Shower. If you turn me on, I'll make you wet.'"

The teacher was red . "I saw that note land on your desk! Who is indecent enough to say such things to the opposite sex?!"

Jason then stood up and answered "That would be me honey."

And then suddenly, Jason's jaw met with Zack's fist.

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