Chapter 1

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Ariana's POV:

I'm so excited, I can't wait to have a sleep over with my best friend, Colleen! I haven't seen her for a long time so we have a lot to catch up on. I am anxiously waiting for Colleens mom, Anna, to get off of work so she could pick me up and take me to their house.

*About 30 minutes late*

"ARIANA" my mom yells. I run out to the living room to see what she needs, "Yes mom?" I say. "Anna is here to pick you up", "Ok mom. Love you, bye." "Love you too, have fun." I ran outside to Anna's car and hopped and we rode to their house.

When we got inside I went straight to Colleens room and put my stuff up. We talked for about an hour and then Anna knocked on the door. "Hey girls I just wanted to let you know that Toby's friend Ricky is coming over to spend the night." Anna said (A/N: Toby is Colleens brother) I remember Ricky from when I was just 9 years old, I didn't like him at all. He was creepy and he never wanted to talk to anyone. I didn't really want him to come over but I had no say in it so I just keep my mouth shut.

A/N: This is my first story ever and I hope you guys like it and enjoy reading it!!!

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