Chapter 6

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Recap: Ari told Sam that she likes Ricky. Alex broke up with Ricky. Sam told Colleen that Ari likes Ricky. Colleen told Ari what Sam told her.

I handed Colleen her phone and put my face in my hands. I tried to hold back my tears, but I just couldn't help it. Colleen sat next to me and rubbed my back. "Do you want to talk about it?" Colleen asked. "I told Sam all of my secrets. I really trusted him, he knows everything about me. He knows all of the weird and embarrassing things about me. I can't believe he would do that to me. He could be running around town telling everybody all of my secrets.  Everyone is going to be laughing at me and making fun of me. I am not going to have any friends after this." I said crying my eyes out. "Don't worry baby girl, when this all goes down I will be standing right by your side and I will NEVER  leave you. You might experience a lot of pain in this situation, but I will be right here. You can cry on my shoulder anytime you want, you know where to find me and you are always welcome. It does not matter how weird, stupid or bad your secrets are, because there is nothing anyone could say or do to make me stop loving you. You are my best friend, and NOBODY hurts my best friend!" Colleen said smiling at me probably hoping it would cheer me up. It worked to she got me to smile. " I really love you Colleen." I said giving her a hug. "I really love you too." Colleen replied squeezing me tighter. "How about we order some pizza and me, you and Ricky can all watch a movie together?" Colleen asked while releasing from the hug. "ok" I said replying to her question. "ok. You pick the movie and I will talk to Ricky and tell him our plan." Colleen said. Colleen walked down the hallway to get Ricky. I looked through almost all of her movies until I saw my favorite movie, '13 Going on 30'. I took the CD out of the case and put it into the DVR. I watched the previews at the beginning while waiting for Colleen and Ricky to come out here. Eventually they came out to the living room and we ordered pizza and started to watch the movie. I was really tired, I knew I was about to fall asleep. I tried to stay awake for as long as I could but I eventually fell asleep.  

~After the Movie~   

I woke up with my head on Ricky's shoulder. I looked over at Colleen and she was asleep. I looked up at Ricky to see that he was also asleep. I slowly got off of the couch without waking either of them up. I walked down the long hallway to Colleens room. Once I reached my destination I walked up to her little twin sized bed and sat down. After a few seconds I laid down on the comfortable little bed. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Ari." I heard a soft whisper in front of me. I opened my eyes to see Ricky standing in front of me.  "Hey. What do you need?" I asked. "Do you know where the blankets are? I would have woke Colleen up, but she usually gets cranky when people wake her up." Ricky said. "No, I do not. Sorry." I replied to him. "Oh, ok." Ricky said kinda disappointed. I felt bad, I had this huge blanket and he was standing there freezing. "Here" I said patting the one side of the bed. "We can share a blanket." I said. "Um...Ok..." he said awkwardly then laid down next to me. We both laid with our backs facing each other. I wish that we could be together, I wish he could wrap his arms around me and hold me tight and we could just be happy together, forever. That was not the case though, I can't be with Ricky right now. I slowly drifted off to sleep once again.

~Next Morning~

I woke up now facing Ricky. I got up and walked into the living room to see an empty room. Where did Colleen go? I walked into the kitchen and there she was washing dishes. "Good Morning, Love!" I said to Colleen while standing in the corner. Colleen turned around now facing me with an angry look on her face, "I need to talk to you!" she yelled at me. "What?" I said confused. Why would she be mad at me? What did I do? Then it hit me, she is mad because she saw Ricky and I sleeping in the same bed. "I promise you NOTHING happened." I said hoping maybe she would just forget about it. "Nothing happened? What are you guys talking about?" Ricky asked walking into the kitchen. I looked at Colleen and her face was blank, it showed no emotion. Neither one of us knew what to say. ""

A/N: Hey guys I am going to be adding more people to the story so if you want to pick out a name to be in the story comment it below. I really want you guys to know that I love to hear your feed back on the story. When I'm doing something that is annoying tell me so I can improve and get better at writing. Also Sorry this chapter is short but I wanted to give you guys an update for New Years Eve. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

If there are any good reads that you guys love please comment them below I am looking for some good stories to read! <3 

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