Chapter 23: It hits you like a ton of bricks

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It's been a month and she still hasn't woken up.

Everyone knows what's next. A police officer came round before to tell us that since it's looking bleak and there's a bigger chance of her dying than living they've lifted the sentence and put it on hold. We had to sign an agreement that it will be lifted until she is better then she will go back to jail and carry on serving her sentence or if she dies then it will be lifted completely and documented that the prisoner died before the end of their sentence.

I didn't seem to have a problem with this and neither did Mat and so we both signed and he Police officer was very kind and he even said that we 'Made his day'. How wonderful!

I drop the kids of at Mat's parents house and make the two hour drive to the hospital with Mat to go and see the evil queen in her coffin.

We arrive and make our way to the front desk and today it's my turn to meet the she devil who sits at the front desk.

"Hi" I say trying to be chirpy but with this women it seems like you can't win either way so let's just play nice guy first shall we.

"Ummm" she says looking down pretending to be busy on her computer but really she's just looking at the lists of names that she's seen hundreds of times today but would rather stare at names on a list than an actual person.

"I'm here to s-"

"I know who your here to see your here every week. Miss Hilton room '12' floor '3' I've got you down for Mondays and Thursdays or would you like me to make it extra just for you" she says looking up and giving me a toothless grin with sarcasm written all over it.

I smile sweetly at her and shake my head keeping my rising anger inside "No that's just enough thank you and have a swell day" I tell her giving her a sarcastic smile before turning on my heels and walking forward towards Mat who senses me coming and stands to walk with me to the elevator.

I feel the Old hags eyes pierce through the back of my head as we enter the elevator and the ping that signals the doors are closing and then the monotone voice that just incase you didn't quite get what the ping meant even though it comes on as the doors are closing, says 'doors closing'. Like we didn't know already.

We reach the floor and open the door to the doctor with another nurse standing looking at her. They turn around as soon as they hear the door opening.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Robinson. Can you please accompany me to my office?" he asks with a warm smile but not a very big one. As he ushers us out of the room and lead us down the hall to the elevator and presses the button number 4.

"My office is on the floor above" he tells us like we didn't know already.

"There you are" he says opening the door to a very clean and hygienic room with white coats hanging up in the corner of the room, a desk with his name on right in the middle, a few family photos, wife, kids, filling draws in the corners on both sides of the desk and a big window with the view of the land beneath it.

"Nice" I whisper but he hears me and says

"Thanks. It's quite nice"

I nod in agreement and sit down as he takes his seat behind the oversized desk.

Doctor Kwan was a neat man. His desk was kept neat not a speck of dust anywhere. He loved his family judging by the amount of pictures of his children and a beautiful young women who lay neatly on his desk side by side in full view. He seemed to be a man who didn't keep things hidden from colleagues or the public when they came in here and sat in the very seats that we did.

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