Chapter 16: Baby from another mother

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It's our wedding day. Yayy

"You look beautiful baby" Sandy says from behind me while I stare at myself in the mirror of my bedroom and admire my wedding dress.

"Do I?"

"Of course. When Mat sees you he is gonna' be blown away. I swear"


The doorbell rings and Sandy get's up to get it but I insist to get it and eventually she gives up. Stubborn, I know.

I reach the door but I'm unsure incase it's Mat as it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding  but I take my chance.

I swing the door open and find a very happy looking Jessica.

"Er hi" I say as she says hi back then takes what I'm wearing in.

"Oh yeah. Your getting married today" What no congratulations. Someone holds grudges for a long time.

"Erm what are you doing here?" I ask getting to the point.

"I need to talk to you. I wanted to talk to you at the restaurant but that didn't go to well. Can I come in?"

I nod then open the door to let her in as Sandy comes down the stairs wondering who it is and I tell her I'll be up in a moment.

We head to the kitchen as she takes a seat and so do I.

"Well what do you need to talk to me about" I shift in my seat as this dress isn't the easiest to sit down in. It's a bit puffy.

"I don't know how to say this Anna but...." she trails off and my heart rises in my throat as I can't make out what the news could be as a million possibilities spiral in my head.

"I'm pregnant with Mat's baby" she blurts out and I am absolutely mortified that he got her pregnant.

"O......Okay I need you to leave please!" I tell her and she nods then stands up and it's then that i notice the small bump formed. Nice and round on her stomach.

I turn around to go to the door but before I can move she jumps on me and I'm pushed to the floor as I turn around. I struggle to get her off of me and I push her with as much forces as I can manage to get her off as she falls backwards and I watch as she hits her head on the cabinet top and lye still.

I get up scrambling to my feet as I hear Sandy come into the kitchen and stop.

"What's happened. what did you do?" she asks as the door opens and Mat's voice echo's around the kitchen and seems deafeningly loud. As my heart pounds in my chest when I see him appear at the doorway looking at me stood in my wedding dress as Jessica lays on the floor lifeless.

"What did you do?" he asks looking at me shocked as I look at Jessica and I notice the blood coming from her head and the blood that had now stained her blue jeans.

"I'm calling an ambulance and the police . I'm sorry Anna but we need to establish what happened here"

"B...But she attacked me first. I pushed her off me and she fell. S....she hit her head on the cabinet" I explain stammering as I fall on my knees as the sirens come closer.


I'm sat in the police station when I should be at my wedding. but instead I'm sat at a questioning booth as Jessica lye's unconscious in a hospital room and my fiancée and my maid is thinking that I did that to her on purpose.

A women with red hair walks in and sits down in the chair in front of me with a folder with I'm guessing my information inside and the lies that, that little cheating liar has told her.

"Hello Anna I'm Detective Layton and I'm going to be taking your case, Okay" I not in the mood to talk as I feel awful in here. they wouldn't even let me change into my clothes, so I had to take a ride down town in my wedding dress that by now has gotten more than a little dirty.

"Now you assaulted Miss Jessica Hilton this afternoon in your home when she came to talk to you, is that right?" she asks and I shake my head furiously.

"NO she attacked me first and I pushed her off of me for self--protection. I didn't mean it"

"But you have no injuries and Miss Hilton does"

"Yes because she pushed me to the ground but it didn't hurt me. She hit her head on the cabinet corner and she was pregnant and it hurt the baby"

"So she came to tell you that she was pregnant, why?"

"Because she sais she thought it was Mat's from when they slept together"

"So you attacked her because you was angry at her for sleeping with him and then him getting her pregnant,it that it?"

"NO I'm not....well I was mad but I'm not now and then I asked her to leave once she told me as I didn't want it to get in the way of our day and I turned around and she grabbed me from behind. She didn't eve try to protect the baby when she fell"

"Maybe you acted on old feeling that you didn't know you still had"

"NO I'm over it. I wouldn't do that to her especially if she's pregnant"

"Well if she attacked you then why don't you have any injuries"

"Because she didn't push me hard"

"So she pushed you. Then you pushed her off you for self-defence"

"Yes" Finally some breakthrough but she doesn't seem convinced.

"Miss Hilton wants to press charges for assault-" she's interrupted by her phone as she stands up showing me a finger for '1 minute' then leaving the room.

I'm left fuming at how she could be so childish and so stupid for pressing charges.

The door opens again and she walks back in and sits down. "The hospital have just informed me that the baby has died and that Miss Hilton wants to press charges for that to"

"I didn't mean it. She attacked me first"

"Maybe so but until you show me some evidence that she attacked you first then I can't help you. I'm not just on Miss Hiltons side, I'm on yours too. Until you can prove it then you will be charged with assault and child destruction and you will be going into a cell"

"But what if I find evidence" I ask hoping for something, anything.

"Then we'll review it and if it's enough to prove your innocence then we'll let you go and we'll see if any action should be taken and with who. For now you will be held in a cell until the trial or until anything comes to light"

I sigh knowing that I don't have any evidence that can prove my innocence but I know what I saw and even if I get jailed I will always know that I am innocent, No matter what.

"Why won't anyone believe me?" I ask and she looks up.

"Because they tend to believe the evidence a lot of the time unless they truly believe their family couldn't do that and because most of the time the evidence is correct"

"Yes but what if the evidence isn't correct then the whole lot of you are wrong and the person get's wrongly accused"

"Miss Williams I see thousands of women in these circumstances and they are most of the time guilty but the innocent ones have never stopped fighting and I have helped every single one of them no matter what the outcome. I don't just do this job because I like placing people away in jail, I do it to captcher bad people and make the world a better place. Take my card. If you have any evidence or you just need to chat or help any time call me" she tells me as another police officer comes in and starts to lead me away to a cell as I whisper thank you to her and she nods.

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