Will You?

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Hey everyone,
Here's the next chapter! I hope you like it it's kind of a bit of a time jump throughout.
Xx- dumbbledore
James's POV

I was sitting in my room with Remus and Peter when Sirius dashes in.
"You'll never guess, Prongsie!!!"
"What? Is Dumbledore a death eater? Did Peter become Minister of Magic?" I ask sarcastically.
"Nope, Jamesie!"
"Then bloody tell me," I roll my eyes, expecting something ridiculous and unimportant.
"Lily likes somebody."
Remus jumps up. "Somebody?"
"Couldn't be James, could it?" Asked Peter hopefully.
"Well, she didn't say specifically. But she was sort of crying when she said it."
"It has to be James. She wouldn't be that reluctant to admit it if it were just some random Ravenclaw or something," Remus reasoned.
I sigh and shake my head. "I feel like a third year. 'Does she like me? Do I ask her out?' It's pathetic!"
"It could be nothing," said Sirius. "I would just leave it alone."
"Ughhhh," I groaned. Lily would never actually like me, and I knew that. "Well you need to stop getting my bloody hopes up!"
Lily's POV

It was now Mid-October, and the wind was drifting through my bedroom curtains, making everything chilly. It had been several weeks since I had admitted that I sort of had a crush on James and Sirius had walked in on me saying it. At first, I had a near panic attack, but after that, I had calmed down significantly. James and I had continued to be friends, but nothing else had happened. I wasn't about to take it to the next level, as James was a player and I was sure that he would break my heart.
I crawled out of bed and dragged myself to my wardrobe, and proceeded to pull on a pair of muggle clothes. It was Sunday, and as I had slept in so late, I needed to grab some lunch from the Great Hall.
As I semi-stumbled out my room, my hair askew, I noticed James sitting in one of the squashy armchairs. I instantly tried to smooth my hair, regretting that I had not brushed it. James noticed me doing so and smiled. "Hi, Lily," he said, biting his lip in an adorable way. "Where are you headed." Wait...what was I saying again? Oh yeah...
"Hi," I replied. "I'm just going to get breakfast. I mean, lunch. Where's the rest of the gang?"
"Dunno," he replied casually. "How about I come with you to get lunch?"
My heart fluttered. It's just a friendly thing to do, I reminded myself. "
Um, sure." I attempted. I wasn't sure if it even came out cool at all.
We walked down to the Great Hall together. A couple people gave us odd looks. That had been happening a lot lately. Everyone thought that there was something going on between us. "We're just friends," I would say, blushing. "Is that really so hard to believe?" It was obviously no different this morning, as several first years whispered "awwww" as we walked past. I wanted to punch them. Instead, I turned to James and tried to make a joke out of it.
"So everyone thinks we're dating now, huh?"
He smiled. "I'm surprised that you just correct them instead of hexing them into oblivion."
"Well, your not that bad," I admitted jokingly, sitting down at the table. He plopped down next to me.
"Is that so? Well, then would you--" all of a sudden a deafening screaming noise burst through the Great Hall. Someone had been sent a Howler.
When the message- something about killing someone's pet toad -died down, I asked, "what were you saying?"
"Um, nothing," he said, looking nervous.
"Cmon, just tell me. If it was to ask me to next weekends Hogsmeade weekend, I wouldn't say no," I said jokingly. To my utter surprise, James said:
"Wait, so you'd actually go? With me? Cuz I was going to, you know...ask you....that."
My jaw dropped. Okay, I was probably expecting that somewhere in m subconscious, but honestly...WHAAAT? I tried to keep myself from sound too enthusiastic. "Of course, you prat! But don't think we're a couple or anything!" I couldn't let him do this to me too fast. As much as I hated to admit it, I was head over heels.
James's POV

"Ten galleons, Sirius," crowed Remus after I nearly screamed the news.
Sirius pouted. "Ickle Prongsie finally has a girlfriend, what can I say?"
"It's not like that!" I said indignantly. "She specifically said it was not like that!"
"She luuuuuurves you!" Sirius mocked. I turned his hair green.
"Well, I think you guys will make a great couple," said Peter supportively.
"I can't believe it," Sirius wiped a pretend tear. "She finally said yes!"
"I KNOWWWWW!!!!" I practically screamed. "But let's keep it kind of secret, you know? I don't want the whole school knowing!"
"I think it's a little late for that," came a voice from the door. It was Rita Skeeter, a fourth year Slytherin with a bigger mouth than anyone. Now that I thought about it, the Charms classroom was not the best place to hold emergency Marauder meetings, no matter how important and last minute the news is.
Lily's POV

The halls were filled with whispers about my "date" with James. Really? I couldn't take another second of this.
James's fifth year girl fan club practically killed me in that evening on my way to dinner. I just missed a very well cast Bat-Bogey hex by an inch. Worse, Alice and Marlene were teasing me about it constantly, which really wasn't helping my sour mood. How was I going to stand another week of this.?

Monday & Tuesday
I started counting today. Since breakfast this morning, people have mentioned something about my date with James 249 times. If someone else says another word, I am going to kill them, I swear!

Wednesday and Thursday
James swears the only people he told were the Marauders. He looked so apologetic about all of the gossip going around, so i begrudgingly decided to believe him. How could I not?

Today was the worst. I ran into Snape in the hallway. "Don't do it," he said. "Have you gone crazy?"
"You nearly hexed me last month, and you called me a Mudblood," I reminded him. "I don't want to hear a single word out of you!"
"But--" I stormed off. Who in Merlin's name did he think he was, telling me not to go to Hogsmeade with James? I returned to the common room in a flurry of anger. I'm surprised that smoke wasn't coming out of my ears. James was sitting there.
"Lily, what's wrong?" He asked kindly.
"Snape-" I began, but then I decided it would be better not to say anything. "It's nothing."
"Come on, you can tell me," he said encouragingly.
"Snape jus tried to tell me that I shouldn't go to Hogsmeade with you. And I'm just so sick of all the gossip going around, aren't you? I can't take this!"
James nodded sadly. "I can call it off, if you don't want to go, I understand."
I blushed. "No!" I said a little too quickly.
"You want to go? Are you sure?" James looked like it was too good to be true.
"Yeah," I admitted. "I'm sort of well...looking forward to it......" I trailed off, feeling my face turn hot.
"Really??" James smiled as though Christmas had come early.
"Yes," I said softly. "Now, I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow."
"Great hall, 11:00?"
"Sure. Good night, James."
"Good night, Lily." He said.
I closed the door to my bedroom. I imagined what would happen tomorrow, and in doing so, I barely got any sleep at all.

You're My Flower, Lily - A Lily Evans and James Potter Fanfic (Jily)Where stories live. Discover now