Yee I made a Hetalia OC :P

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Country/state/province/territory: Alberta

First name: Mary

Middle name: Skylar

last name: Robertson (lmao so creative shUT THE FUCK UP)

Human age: ??? (I have no idea lmao)

Birthday: February 17

Fave colour: blue

Least fave colour: orange

Fave food: bread

Least fave food: ???

Fave animal: birds

Least fave animal: rabbits (allergic)

Fave gem: Rose Quartz

Least fave gem: Jasper

Sexual orientation: panromantic/pansexual (google it if you don't know what it is)

Appearance: tall-ish, blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail, green eyes, glasses, blue bow, blue... Necktie thingie, white long sleeve with blue sleeve rims and a gold button on each one, black shorts, black flats, and white ankle socks (also in media)

Bio-ish thing: a calm, collected, girl. She is kind, curious, but can be a bit emotional at times. Sometimes she can hurt others without realizing it, but she will try to make up for it immediately
K brb I'm gonna digitalize this

Felicidae's  strange train of thoughtKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat