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Chapter 3: "A friend.."

Paige's P.O.V.

"Woah.." I looked up and can barely see the top of this building. IT WAS SOOO TALL AND BIG!!

"Come on." he said and grabbed my wrist pulling me towards the building.

"Wait! Why are we going in there? Wait I don't work there! Hey mister! The guards won't let us in and mightcall the cops and we might go to jail!" I said, I mean we can go to jail right?" He ignored my protests and dragged me in. The guards opened the door for us

"Good morning sir." both of the guards greeted to us(him) wonder why they opened the door for us..Everyone was staring at us and greeting us(him) while he just kept a expressionless face on. Wow how rude tsk,tsk,tsk I should teach him how to be polite sometimes. While HE is ignoring them I was being polite and greeted them back, smiling at them. We went in the elevator and he pressed to the top floor.
It was quiet when the elevator reached the top floor it dinged and we went out the elevator he walked to a office that said 'Mr. Velasquez'

"Hey, Isn't Mr. Velasquez that billionaire?" I asked remembering when avery and mommy were talking about a billionaire.

"I'm actually kinda surprised you know who Mr. Velasquez is." He said pulling me in the room after opening the door.

"Eh," I shrugged. "But why are we here? We might get in trouble if someone finds us in this room and put us in jail."
He ignored me and just kept looking through the drawers. I frowned when i saw him looking through the drawer.

"Why are looking through his drawers? Omygosh are we stealing from him?! Are we gonna be like those spies in movies? Omygosh I'm so excited!! You should have warned me so i could have changed into my spy suit." I rambled and started clapping cheerfully. He looked at me weirdly and shook his head. I saw him holding something in his hands and walked to me.

"Here." he said and took my hand putting a ring on it.

"Eh? What is this for? Is this the one that were gonna steal? Its so, pretty! Don't worry Mister I'm sure that ill find a buyer with this pretty ring and then after I sell it we both will have half-half of the money an-"

"Lets go." he said cutting me off. he pulled my wrist and dragged me out of the company. He opened the door for me to get in the car. I went in the car and buckled up myself like what he did to me. I told him my address. 

"What's your name Mister?" I asked curiously. I just noticed how he hasn't told me his name yet. 

"Maxwell.." He muttered quietly, it was so quiet I almost didn't hear him.

"Maxwell. That's such a loooonnggg name," I whined a little but stopped when I got an Idea. "Oh I know! I'm gonna give you a nickname! I'll call you, uh..Maxie!" I said clapping my hands cheerfully. 

"No." I frowned and looked at him. 

"Why not?" I asked

"'s a girls name." 

"No it's not!" Maxie isn't a girls name! Well..It kinda is..but a lot of people would probably call him max so I would rather call him maxie. 

"I will call you maxie from now on!" I declared.

"No." I whined at him. 

"Maxiiieee~~! Puh-leaseee~!" 


"Pleeeaaassseeee!!" Wait..Oh I know what would make him call him maxie! "Fine. I won't call you maxie but.." I trailed off. 

"I won't find you a buyer for the ring." He glanced at me for a sec and sighed muttering a small 'Fine' I mentally did my victory dance. 

After a while I felt my eyelids falling down. After a few attempts of trying to stay awake I gave up and let the darkness consume me, and bring me to dreamland.

Maxwell's P.O.V.

I saw her sleeping from my peripheral vision.


Did I make the right decision? I mean she could be the wife that i wanted..not a gold digger, pretty decent, and...

I can never fall in love for her..Right?

I heard her mumbling. "Hmm..pandas ajssbdb lollipops ashdjxnkdm." she mumbled in her sleep. I smiled at this. I drove to her house remembering the directions she gave me.

I stopped in front of a pale yellow wooden two story house. Hopping off my car I went to her side and opened the door. I wanted to wake her up but she looked so peacefull..I just couldn't, so I decided to just carry her I walked to the front door and knocked using my foot.

"Coming!" the front door opened and revealed a lady that was probably in her mid 30's she looled lik paige. She looked at me then to Paige.

"Omygosh Paige my baby!"

"I'll bring her to her room." I said. She nodded still staring at her daughter worriedly, walking in to the house I let her lead the direction to her room. 
We stopped in front of a pastel pink colored door. She opened the door and damn her room is and minty and has WAY too much pandas...I see she has some weird obsession with pandas. I walked to her bed and tucked her in. I quietly walked out of her room and saw her mom. 

"Who are you? and why were you with my daughter?" She asked trying not to be rude. I see she has a really protective mom. 

"...A friend." 


I AM SOO SORRY!! YOU GUYS PROBABLY HATE ME RIGHT NOW FOR NOT UPDATING LAST WEEKEND!! I'm seriously sorry I forgot to update..and I didn't have time to update last weekend because I had a church class on sundays and on saturday I was well..hanging out with my friend I'm truly sorry though...but anyways MAXWELL CONSIDERS PAIGE A FRIEND!! YAY!!! I'm not sure when I can update next time..I hope it's gonna be soon BUT ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR READING MY STORY!! 

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