"Because you bought me Ice cream!"

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Chapter 1: "Because you bought me ice cream! So I want you to be my friend!"

Paige Linkton


Huh? "Paige!!Why are you still sleeping?!" Avery said. I whined and went under my covers trying to go back to sleep. I heard her huff from annoyance "Paige! The gang is here already!" Gang?? Omygosh! there's a gang in our house?! I quickly sat up and looked at her with wide eyes. "Gang?!" I quickly jumped off my bed and ran to her grabbing both of her shoulders shaking them violently. "W-why is there a gang here? are they gonna kill us?! Avery we have to go now. Before they get us! Call mo--" She grabbed my arms. "Paige, what the hell are you talking about?!" She frowned and glared at me.

"You said that the gang was here." I looked at her with a confused expression. She facepalmed and groaned, mumbling something."Huh? What did you say?" I asked her. She just shook her head.

"Nothing just...just fix yourself, we'll wait for you downstairs." She was about to walk out my room when I grabbed her wrist. "Wait! I thought the gangsters were here? What if they try to kill you? what if--"

"When I said Gang I meant vivian, hailey, chris, henry and jeremy." Oh...So the gangsters are our friends?!

"Wait so they're gangsters?!" I looked at her with wide eyes. I saw her eye twitch. Eh?

"Just..fix yourself or I swear," I nervously giggled and walked to the bathroom. I don't want her to go all crazy on me..Avery is really scary O-O "I'll g-go take a shower already." She just shook her head and walked out of my room closing the door.


I brushed my hair and looked at the mirror. I was wearing a plain pale pink dress that reached just above my knees, I put on my cream doll shoes I grabbed my headband that has a cute pink ribbon on it and put it on my head. I smiled at my appearance. I walked out of my room to the living room.

"Oh, Paige is here!" I looked at everyone and smiled cheerfully.

"She's done? Lets go to the mall then--" Avery said.

"And get some ice cream!" Avery glared at me. I made a peace sign and giggled skipping out the door. I heard footsteps behind me, we all walked to the bus stop. While waiting jeremy put his arms around my shoulder. I looked up to him and smiled cheerfully which he returned back with a smile, pulling me to him and putting his chin on top of my head.

"Hey, hey no PDA allowed here!" Henry said, I just looked at him and then looked around.

"Huh? where?" I looked everywhere checking to see if there is someone showing their Public Display of Affection. "Henry. There's no one showing their Public Display of affection, what are you talking about?" I asked him questionably. They all laughed. I think my friends are crazy...Yeah their really crazy, they're lucky to have me as their friend because I'm the only normal one here. I saw the bus coming. "The Bus is here!!" I said, waiting for it to stop in front of us. We all went in the bus and paid the driver.


I walked around the mall while eating my rocky road ice cream. I don't know where they all went, I got separated when I got distracted because I saw this really really BIG panda bear. But when I looked at the price it was 50 dollars...I don't have enough money to get one. I'm currently sulking right now still thinking about the panda bear. I really wanted the panda bear..I slightly pouted while eating my ice cream. I guess I'm gonna go look around to find th--offt

I stumbled and my ice cream fell out of my hand. I gasped and looked at the now melting ice cream on the floor sadly. I only ate half of it. I looked up and saw the guy frowning at me. I glared at him and pointed my finger at him. "You. Look at what you did! Now I don't have any ice cream to eat anymore..It got wasted." I said blinking the tears off. He looked shock for a sec, but he quickly masked it up with a cold face.

"I wasn't the one not looking in my way. You were." He said flatly. Islightly pouted.

"B-but if you were looking too then we both wouldn't have stumbled into each other.." I twiddled with both my fingers. He stared at me.

"Fine. What do you want?" He said, running his fingers on his hair. I stared at his hair. His hair looks so soft..(*o*)/ I wonder what they would feel like? I kept on staring at his hair with awe. "Hello? Miss?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face I just blinked at him.

"Oh-uh.." What did he say again? oh yeah! "I want you to get me a new ice cream!" I said. He just rolled his eyes and took something from his pocket. A wallet, he took his wallet and gave me a hundred dollars.

"There." He shoved the money on my hand. I stared at the money and frowned. "What? not enough?" He said. "Another gold digger." I shook my head and gave the money back to him. Now it was his turn to frown. I just grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the ice cream shop. "What the fuck? What are you doing?" He said. I just walked faster to the shop. When we arrived I looked at him. "Buy me another rocky road ice cream flavor, medium." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head slightly. He walked in the shop while I waited for him outside playing with the hem of my dress.

"Here." I heard a person said behind me I turned around and saw the guy handing me the ice cream, my eyes twinkled when I saw the ice cream and snatched it from his hands. "Thank you!" I said and smiled cheerfully at him. I felt him stare at me while I was eating my ice cream but I just ignored him since I was still in enjoying this small bliss the ice cream is giving me. "I'm Paige." I said. "Do you want to be my friend?" I asked him which make him look at me like I was an alien. Why is he looking at me like that? He just stared at me and walked to me closer bending down to my eye level.

"Why would you want to be my friend? If I was rude to you before?" He asked. I gave him a toothy grin and said.

"Because you bought me Ice cream! So I want you to be my friend!"


FIRST CHAPTER!! Is it good? or like eh? just comment down below what you think about it! If I should continue with the story, and don't forget to vote! It literally takes less than a second to fill up the star!

Check out my other story Arranged Marriage! here's the link! https://www.wattpad.com/story/47295278-arrange-marriage

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