Chapter 14. The Jobless Pair

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Chapter 14. The Jobless Pair

We started out early in the morning the next day. We began looking for job vacancies in their Wall Street! Yes! They have their own version of NYC's The Wall Street. And like duh, they're very own Wall Street was no joke. I thought I was in New York for a moment. Anyway, we entered every possible building we could get into. We weren't really very successful. If others didn't hire us because they're not hiring for new employees, others also can't hire us because they didn't have any vacancy because there were those who did summer jobs and OJTs. Plus the fact that we didn't have documents with us: no birth certificates or diplomas to prove our identities and that we're high school graduates.

Damn. This was not going to be easy for us. And I wanted to give up but then I don't see any trace of frustration on Alex's face. Surprisingly, that just kept me going.

"Phil is meeting us in The Polestar for lunch," Alex blurted out. I looked at my watch and it was really lunch time. And as if on cue, my stomach grumbled. So we crossed the street and walked to the area since we're not far from it.

"So what if we don't get a job?" I asked.

"We will," he said staying positive.

But you know me so I said insisting, "But what if?"

"You're such a negative thinker. Trust me, we will," he insisted as well. There he went with his 'trust' again.

"Okay, I trust you," I said finally giving up.

And so we kept walking until we saw Phil already waiting for us. We went to this Chinese restaurant and quickly ordered foods. Seriously, I'm starving.

"So, how's the job hunting?" asked Phil. I told him what we've been through the whole morning and the reasons why we couldn't get a job. Phil said, "Well, what do you expect?"

And I said, "But still, it's not as if we can't do what they want us to do..."

He nodded and then smiled at us. "Ever heard of The Marina?" he asked. We shook our head. "Well, it's one of the luxurious resorts just along the city bay. And I saw their ads outside the school. Guess what? They're hiring staffs!"

We were totally happy upon hearing it. "Is it far from your place?" I asked.

"Well, at the end of the Hall Street comes the beach resorts and The Marina is eventually on the farther side to the west so yeah but I'm guessing they might let you stay in the resort," Phil said.

"Can we go and check it out?" Alex asked speaking for the first time.

"Yeah, sure," said Phil and then stopped short. "But wait, are you sure about this?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Alex.

"I mean the jobs they might be offering might know waiting tables or attending pools or even room service. You know those resort jobs..."

"I think that's fine. I can do it. You?" Alex asked turning to me.

"Uhh, maybe? It's not going to be hard right?" I asked not really sure what they're talking about. I'd never done any of the sort so I was not sure if I can do it.

"So that's it. Let's check it out after chowing."


After about 30 minutes of travel, finally we're in the said resort. Actually, we've passed by about seven resorts before we got here. And it was great – its beautiful scenery and ambience were beyond compare. The villas, which were air-conditioned, were uniquely designed and built with clay bricks, were surrounded by natural mangroves and landscape gardens. Oh if only I were here for vacation just like what we did in Cielo del Tierra. But even so, I was looking forward to working in here. I was sure this was going to be fun...and tiring, I guessed. I really hoped they hire us!

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