Somebody's wet

275 21 2

Newt's POV

When the doors closed I leaned against the wall and slowly slipped on the floor. I was still pretty shocked by my reaction, I hadn't known I could ever stand up for myself. "That was brave of you", I thought,  "you did well".

In that moment the tears I tried so hard to hold back streamed down my cheeks, I knew I could not be strong forever. I closed my eyes, letting them run, breathing deeply to avert upcoming panic attack. After what seemed like eternity my heartbeat slowed down to its normal pace, the feeling of dizziness disappeared and the world eventually stopped spinning. I hadn't realized I had been pinching myself until I felt pricking pain in my left arm. Few drops of blood formed in tiny wounds my nails had created.

At that time I decided it was the right time to come back to Tommy who was certainly concerned with what was taking me so long in the toilet. I stood up maybe a little bit too fast, dark spots appeared in front of my eyes as I made the first step. It took me a while until I spotted my best friend still waiting in the queue to order coffee for us. I walked up to him and, trying to act as normally as I could, I patted him on the shoulder and smiled widely when our eyes met.

"You had to make an enormously huge klunk, didn't you?" He smirked and I nearly died laughing.

"Why are you so involved in my intimate stuff, huh?" I smirked back.

He smiled big and playfully hit me with a fist.

"Ouch, Tommy!" I acted offended.

"Don't be such a girl, Newtie." He played this little game with me.

"I am not! I'm just... fragile!"

We both burst out laughing causing everybody around us to turn back and stare at two weirdos giggling and shouting at each other.

"Why don't you find a table for us while I order coffee?"

"Good that." I answered heading towards the eating area.

While seating myself comfortably I looked through the window and the sight behind it ruined my good mood enhanced by Tommy. It was that klunkhead, Gally or whatever, with another guy acting like nothing had ever happened. He noticed me after a while, turned to the boy next to him who, by the way, didn't look like the one from the toilet, pointed a finger at me and started laughing. I was so shucking pissed off and, if it wasn't for Thomas who appeared with two cups of hot drinks, I would have done something... I don't know what precisely, but surely something I would then regret.

"What's up with this wry face?"

For a few seconds I wasn't able to say anything back, I was just trying to conceal my emotions.

"Newt, what's wrong?" I did not respond. "Hey, look at me."

While he was reaching for my face to force me to look at him, he bumped one of the paper cups, which he had put on the table earlier, and I felt hot liquid soaking through my T-shirt.

"Shuck!" Thomas shouted an immediately handed me some napkins. "I'm so sorry."

"It's alright, Tommy. Don't worry about it." I giggled, amused by his reaction. It was sweet of him, caring about such small, trivial accident.

"Well, it's not, Newt. Your clothes are wet and sticky. I... I will lend you my shirt."

I could feel my face turning red and my body being engulfed by nervousness.

"No, no, that's not necessary. I think I can handle that stain, it's not that big deal."

But he was already removing his navy blue and black plaid shirt leaving him in only black T-shirt. He handed the cloth to me.

"Wouldn't you be cold or something?" I asked, even though that was the most ridiculous question ever.

"It's summer, Newt. Soon it's going to be a fucking hundred degrees! Now, stop complaining, move your lazy ass to the toilet and get changed."

I didn't have much of a choice then. I took his shirt and went to the restroom. After locking the door, I took off my own T-shirt and put it into my pack.

To be honest, I have no idea what had come into me, but after a while I realized I had been sticking up Tommy's cloth to my nose and deeply inhaling its smell.

The next thing I did was wondering what the shuck is wrong with me.



I promise from now on I'll do it regurally...

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Stay Young and Beautiful xx

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