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Newt's POV

I shook my head imagining how ridiculously it must look to stand in the toilet cabin, half-naked, smelling someone else's clothes. I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter with every second and I thanked God nobody had seen my like this. I quickly pulled Thomas' shirt on and buttoned it. I took five or six deep breaths to calm down and reclaim my face it's natural colour, not red as if I'm a shucking tomato or whatever. I then unhurriedly headed towards the exit and was surprised by Tommy waiting just behind the doors.

When our eyes met I felt slightly embarrassed and bit my bottom lip. His sight was now focused on my mouth and he smirked. I swear I could feel my legs buckling under me.

"Aww, you look cute, Newtie. It's a little too big, but still suits you, you know?"

'A little' was greatly underrated, it felt like wearing potatoes' sack. I didn't say anything, though. I just stand there, speechless and aware of the blood shade of red covering my entire face. I noticed Tommy coming closer to me, deranging my intimate space. Our bodies were only inches away, I could feel his warmth, to be honest it was kind of pleasant. His beautiful dark brown eyes met mine and stared deeply and long into them.

I then realized how wrong was what we were doing and turned my sight down.

I saw Thomas' hands on my arm, he was gently pulling up sleeves of the shirt. I must have blushed hard, there's no denying it.

"Tommy, you don't have to..." But he didn't let me finish the sentence.

"What's that?" He said pointing at my left arm, expression on his face spoke for itself.

Fuck, I thought. I had forgotten about it. I had to stay all cool and normal and with the best acting skills I have I spoke innocently:

"Oh, I haven't noticed it earlier. No idea where it came from, I probably just scratched myself or whatever. It's nothing, really."

It didn't look like scratches at all and he didn't seem convinced by my story, too. However, to my surprise a few seconds later he smiled slightly and finished rolling up my sleeves.

"Now, you look perfect." He chuckled. I smiled in embarrassment and playfully hit his arm with my fist.

"Stop flirting with me, Tommy!"

He burst out laughing and so did I. All of the previous awkwardness immediately disappeared and was replaced by nice, casual atmosphere. I was so relieved that he had forgot about my little wounds or didn't care much.

"You wish." He answered trying to hold on laughter, then winked at me.

This time it wasn't uncomfortable, but funny and teasing. It's what best friends do, right? I missed the old kind of relationship with Tommy, it was just like that – lots of sass, dirty jokes and uninhibited physical contact.

I didn't realize when my thoughts had started do drift, but I was brought back to reality by Thomas telling me it's time to leave, because our stop is nearly over. He then put his phone into the pocket, I still don't know when had he pulled it out, grabbed my hand quickly and run towards the bus. Breathless, we reached the doors and he said showing me the entrance:

"Ladies first, Newtie."

"Oh, shuck you, Tommy."

But I walked in anyway. As soon as I sat in my seat I heard a familiar, but unpleasant voice shouting, so everybody payed attention.

"And here's the gay boy!"

In that second I froze, with open mouth and bulging eyes. Thomas seemed to notice that, and put two and two together. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard. I wasn't able to return the grip, all of my willpower disappeared. I slowly turned my head to face him, he was all red and I knew the situation's going to get a lot worse. He spoke, anger and disgust filled every word:

"What's your problem, klunkface? Too many complexes so you have to lace into everybody around you? You better shut the fuck up or else..."

"Or else what?" Gally said, obviously trying to frighten his opponent.

"Or else you'll get beaten up, you homophobic prick!" This time it wasn't Tommy's voice and it made me search for its source.

That was the boy from the toilet who talked with Gally about me. It looked like they had an argument and now he was sitting at the beginning, three seats away from mine. He had his arms crossed and a challenging sight, as if he was ready to start a fight with the bully. The boy was tall and muscular, the other shuck, even though well-built too, had no chances in a confrontation. He must have realized that too, because he started to back down with raised hands.

"Alright guys, I was just joking." He tried to heal the whole thing. "Don't you have even a grain of sense of humor?"

"Yeah, that was lot of fun, really. But you know what? It'll be much more fun if I knock out all of your teeth from that lousy mouth, don't you think?" He turned his head to Thomas who smiled evilly and answered:

"God, that's going to be entertaining. I'm definitely in!"

Gally's face expression was priceless – it was a mix of terrible fear and embarrassment in one. I wish I have taken a photo, but even if I had thought about it then, it wouldn't be possible.

And the reason to that was the driver standing next to us, incredibly angry. Even pissed off, I'd say. After a long fight with him, the four of us were kicked out of the bus with our luggage. We stood in the parking lot watching as our mean of transport drove away, leaving us alone in the middle of nowhere.


riiiiiiiight I promised that 'regular updates' but you know... shit happens, sorry :(


Hope you enjoyed this part, I don't think it's so good, though :/

Stay Young and Beautiful xx

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