Chapter 25

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Lorelei placed her books in her locker and winked at me just as she was swallowed up in the throngs of students in the halls.

Since my passed on revelation, Lorelei had been secretly reporting to me things she’d found strange between Naida and her brother. This newfound source was furthering my analysis. Even though I couldn’t exactly pinpoint what power she held, it could have been something similar to Xander’s, like mind control. Or maybe it was a completely different thing…

I sighed as I pushed the last of the books I’d need for tonight’s homework in my satchel. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time. My mother would be outside in the Rust Bucket in two minutes.

Apparently my grounding had extended to my transportation also.

I hated fighting with my mom. As the sole person who had to put up with her rebellious alcoholism, I thought I deserved a little more respect and independence than I was getting now.

And it really sucked to be grounded.

I mean, I didn’t go anywhere much before, but at least I didn’t have some kind of restriction from doing and as I pleased.

I closed my satchel just as a sharp vibration roused my pocket.

I pulled my phone out and flipped it open. The screen flashed ‘NEW TEXT’ twice and I pressed the center button to read it. It was just my mom, alerting me that she was outside.

I sighed, flipped the phone shut and pushed it into my pocket.

 I buckled my new vegan boots at the side and started heading to the doors, knowing my mom would be all sorts of pissed if I did not get out of school ASAP. So I quickened my pace, the comforting sound of my heels clacking against the flooring following me as I went.

I switched onto another hallway that was deserted, aiming to get out through the back door near the main supply room.

I could feel a presence behind me.

I kept walking, figuring whoever it was had discovered my shortcut also.

Footsteps sounded and I glanced nonchalantly over my shoulder.

No one was there.

The adrenaline in my veins spiked and my boots clicked faster against the poured concrete surface of the floor. Nonchalant glances were stolen over my shoulder to make sure that I wasn’t actually being paranoid, and somehow hoping that it was just some stupid freshman trying to play a lame trick on me.

Thankfully, I was only moments away from reaching that door.

The invisible footsteps grew louder and louder until it sounded as if they were vibrating from the walls of the hallway.

I broke into a panicked sprint just as the paranoia set in.

And a mysterious blur appeared before me.

I stepped back after a hushed millisecond, and I could feel the recognition nodes in my mind clicking into place. Shock and disbelief ran through my body as if I’d been electrocuted.

“Naida?” I cried, a hand clapping over my mouth.

She peered up at me through her brilliant red hair, her pallid skin in contrast to the crimson hues. Her amber eyes flashed dimly in the bad lighting.

A gasp hitched in my throat.

“I thought you were dead—” I began, but a slow, taunting laugh escaped her perfectly shaped lips.

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