A Precious Accident

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The photos in this story are not mine, I found them on the internet.


A Precious Accident

I sat impatiently on my bed whilst tapping my feet on the floor. I held a pregnancy test in my hand as I waited for the result, thinking back to the night, six weeks ago, when I lost my virginity.

*’Isabella, what are you doing here?’ my boyfriends voice drifted into my ears as he appeared behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. The music blared behind around us but it felt like it was just me and him.

‘I couldn’t let my boyfriend have a party and not attend,’ I smiled as I turned around and looked into Jackson’s eyes. ‘Anyway I want a drink, I have to be back home by two. My mum will be home for about three,’ I muttered as I walked though the house I knew all too well. Jackson was obviously quite drunk, I could tell from the way he stumbled as he followed me into the empty kitchen. Everyone was in the back garden having a party of their own.  

‘Go on then girly, drink up,’ Jackson urged as he handed me a glass of pure vodka, it was only a quarter full but I’m a bit of a lightweight. I look at the glass cautiously before hesitantly drinking the burning liquid. Instantly I felt myself loosen up once the liquid had stopped burning its way down my throat. ‘Where’s your friend, I thought you two were always together?’ Jackson questioned as he glanced around for Louisa.

‘She has to babysit her brother,’ I replied as I flung my arms around Jacksons neck before standing on my tiptoes and letting my lips brush over his jaw line before making my way to his lips. Jackson began to kiss back hungrily, like we hadn’t kissed in days.

            He pulled away finally, gasping for air. ‘Why don’t we take this to the bedroom?’ Jackson questioned as he licked his lips flirtatiously. I smiled at him; I’ve never slept with anyone before. I’ve been dating Jackson for two months now. He’s only a year and six months older than me, and I believe I love him. I smiled back at him then nodded my head. Jackson scooped me up bridal style and I held onto him knowing he was drunk and could fall any second. We went up the stairs clumsily and then into Jackson’s bedroom. Upstairs was empty apart from a few stray couples who were making out “in private”. Jackson threw me onto the bed before slamming the door shut with his foot.

‘We’re actually doing this,’ I managed to breath as I watched Jackson throw his shirt to the floor. He then jumped onto me with his legs either side of me and began kissing my neck roughly, sucking gently on different spots. I let out a whimpered moan as he sucked harder. Jackson pulled away and gave me a gentle smile before placing his hands on the bottom of my short, white dress. He raised it slowly so it was just above my pants. I could see how tight his skinny jeans were, that’s from me...wow.

‘You ready?’ Jackson asked I felt his hands wonder over my pants as he stretched the top of them. I nodded stiffly as I lay back, allowing Jackson full access. I didn’t even know what was happening until I let out a cry of pain, and pleasure.

‘You... have a... condom on... right?’ I asked between pants as the pain started to ease and I began to enjoy the feeling. Jackson nodded as he continued to buck his hips wildly. Jackson let a small moan leave his mouth which made me smirk and moan myself, then I felt warmness inside of me. Jackson groaned slightly before pulling out of me then collapsing at my side.

‘Was I good? For your first time,’ Jackson panted as he removed the condom from his, lower area. I smiled at him.

‘You were brilliant,’ I smiled as I pushed my dress down suddenly feeling a little self-conscious. I pulled my small pants back up then stood up. Jackson flung the condom into the bin beside his table.

‘I love you,’ he muttered as he stood up before pulling me onto him. I kissed his lips, they tasted of alcohol.

‘I love you too,’ I whispered into the kiss as I let myself smile. I quickly thought about what had just happened and began to panic. I lost my virginity on at a drunken party. ‘Anyway, I best go. I don’t want my mum to worry,’ I whispered as I pulled away from Jackson. Jackson smiled sadly but allowed me to leave. What did I just do?*

I stopped staring out of the window then looked at the pregnancy test which I must’ve been holding for at least twenty minutes. A light blue cross was on the screen. ‘Positive,’ I whispered to myself as I threw the pregnancy test to the ground before beginning to cry. I’ve seen the programmes of “Teen Mom” and “16 and Pregnant” but never once, did I expect that to happen to me.


My friend had a baby not long ago, she’s also a teenager. I guess that’s what made me want to write this story. Anyway I hope you like it; it’s my first real story so please give me some friendly tips and what-not. Anyway thank you for reading!:D

-T xox

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