21) 35 Weeks Pregnant, It's All Alright

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21) 35 Weeks Pregnant, It’s All Alright

My mother was massaging my belly for me as I lay on my bed, I forgot what she said it would do but she said it would help something. I felt a little more at ease, like all my stress from the recent days was vanishing. I still could feel my back aching, like someone was piercing it with pins. And my stomach was huge, I felt as though I’d swallowed a watermelon whole. ‘How do you feel now?’ my mother questioned as she circled my belly with her hand.

‘A little better, I think Coley wants me to die or something though, he’s crushing my insides!’ I whined as I clutched my stomach with both hands.

‘Just make sure you sleep whenever you need to, once Coley is born you won’t be getting much sleep and it will get to you,’ my mother told me.

‘But I have to meet up with Jackson today,’ I complained as I sat up straight then crossed my legs. Yep, Jackson and I have to speak again. My mother and Louisa have told me that I can’t keep Jackson away from our baby so we’ve agreed to meet up later on today.

            I was spread out on the sofa unattractively. ‘Aren’t you looking beautiful?’ a boy’s voice asked. I quickly jumped from the sofa, almost tumbling to the ground out of fright only to see Jackson stood in the doorway. He held bags in his hands.

‘I thought you were someone important,’ I grunted as I collapsed back onto the sofa, sending my legs flying above me.

‘I’ll have you know I’m very important, probably one of the most important people you’ll ever meet,’ Jackson stated vainly. I looked at him then blink whilst pulling a “are you serious?” face.

‘I’ve met hamsters more important then you,’ I exaggerated as I sat up again then rested into the sofa. Jackson smirked whilst letting out a little chuckle before he sat next to me, putting the bags in the middle of us.

‘And to say I bought you and Bean presents,’ Jackson revealed as he handed me one of the bags. I hesitantly took it before opening it. I smiled as I saw the contents.

‘I never knew you could be so kind, thank you,’ I truly appreciated this.

‘If you mention this to anyone I’ll smack you in the face,’ Jackson falsely threatened. ‘I’m just kidding, I could never hurt you or my little lad,’ Jackson laughed as he rubbed my stomach. I just rolled my eyes before taking out the bag contents slowly. The first thing I saw was a bunch of flowers, red, white and pink ones. I’m not sure what kind they were; I’ve never been good at naming flowers, I’m sorry okay.

‘These are so pretty, thank you,’ I thanked again. Say thank you to Jackson twice in less than five minutes? I really am maturing.

            I had my feet over Jackson lap as I looked watched Eastenders on the telly. ‘I’ve bought Coley something’s round my house, I’ve got a travel cot for when I move into my dorm thing. Maybe he’ll be able to stay with me over there sometimes?’ Jackson asked hopefully. I looked at him with a puzzled look.

‘Maybe, but not until he’s older...a lot older,’ I added on. Jackson nodded understandily.

‘Anyway, maybe you could stop by mine once we’re done here and then you can see the little room mums given me to put Coley’s things in. Obviously it’s not as good as yours but I still love it just as much,’ Jackson explained to me as he tapped his hands on my legs lightly. I nodded at him as slid my legs off his lap.

‘We’re not doing anything now, why don’t we go back to yours?’ I asked as I stood up before going to find my shoes.

‘Fine by me,’ Jackson replied.

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