6)14 Week's Pregnant, Why is this so Hard?

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6) 14 Week’s Pregnant, Why is this so Hard?

Saturday morning slowly came around. I finally woke up from my deep sleep; the alarm clock read 11:38am. I smiled at myself feeling strangely refreshed, I wasn’t shattered for a change and I felt like I could do something which might actually help me in life. And then I sat up, an aching pain attacked my back. ‘Mum!’ I yelled as I tried to stand up, the pain hurt but it was unbearable. My mum rushed into my bedroom.

‘What is it, baby?’ my mum questioned as she came over to my side.

‘My back hurts,’ I whined as I looked at myself in the mirror before placing a hand on my back. I could see my mother rolling her eyes through the mirror.

‘That’s the pain of being pregnant,’ my mother taunted as she pointed a finger at me.

‘What can I do to stop it hurting?’ I asked, I leant back a bit making my miniature baby bump stick out a little.

‘Why don’t you,’ my mother started as she walked over to me. ‘Find one of your friends, then and go swimming?’

‘Swimming? I haven’t been swimming in years, I’ll probably drown,’ I nagged as I walked over to the mirror before brushing my long, dark brown hair.

‘Well, now you can start,’ my mother laughed. ‘Anyway I’m going for a meal with some of the nurses and midwifes at one so I’ll probably not be home till sixish.’

‘Yep, don’t worry about your pregnant daughter; she’ll be fine by herself,’ I muttered.

‘Ring Louisa or Luca, take them swimming then do something afterwards, it’ll be like I never left the house,’ my mum laughed.

‘You’re forty-three, don’t act like that,’ I stated stopping her from speaking.

‘Twenty-seven, you’re not my mum!’ my mum lied before walking off, her hips swung as she left my bedroom.

Louisa and I were both sat in the kiddie’s pool. I was wearing my blue bikini with gems over it; Louisa was wearing a white bikini with a zipper down the middle of the top and a zipper on the side of the bottoms. I was holding a float in my arms as I tried to push it under the water. ‘Bella, come to the big pool, I want to race,’ Louisa yelled, she was already half way out of the pool. I groaned before throwing the float then swimming my fastest to the side. I waddled over to the pool trying my best not to fall. When I got to it I flung myself in before swimming under the water to the deep side, Louisa was already metres in front.

‘Are you sleeping round mine tonight?’ I asked as I swam under the water before popping up in front of Louisa.

‘What sort of a question is that? Obviously I’m stopping around yours,’ Louisa spat like the answer was obvious, to be honest it was. ‘Maybe we should invite Luca, I mean he’s gotten pretty close to us recently,’ Louisa admitted, I laughed at the thought of Luca.

‘Luca’s gay,’ I spluttered, Louisa looked at me offended.

‘Isabella Lynn Jenkins, I never thought you were one to judge,’ Louisa snapped, her face was full of a mixture of shock and horror. I spat out laughter but Louisa just stared at me.

‘Louisa, I’m not judging him. Luca is gay...’ I muttered, ‘or bi at least,’ I added simply. Louisa looked at me before smiling.

‘Oh my God, I’ve always wanted a gay friend,’ Louisa chirped as she pushed herself up from the water before dropping back in. ‘Wait, but what about Jan?’

‘I don’t know, you’ll have to ask him yourself,’ I laughed as I climbed out the pool before jumping straight back in.

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