3) 9 Weeks Pregnant, How Do I Tell Him?

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[That's Isabella's room on the side]

3) 9 Weeks Pregnant, How Do I Tell Him?

I walked through the hall of school; three weeks have passed now since my mother found out about my baby. I still haven’t told Jackson, I’m getting there okay! I kept both my eyes wide open as I tried to avoid Jackson for the third week straight. ‘There you are,’ I heard Jackson rather loud voice as some hands clutched my belly. I stiffened as I tried to continue to walk but failed miserably. I turned to face Jackson.

‘Hey you,’ I smiled as I tapped his nose. Jackson smiled at me softly before pulling me in for a kiss.

‘So I was wondering,’ Jackson began, please don’t take me on a date, please don’t take me on a date, ‘If you maybe wanted to come to the cinema tonight, you and Louisa. Luca and I are going with a few football friends,’ Jackson explained as he pushed me slowly towards the wall whilst licking his lips eagerly.

‘I’ll ask Louisa,’ I muttered gently before trying to step away from his lip licking.

‘Please come, I feel like you’ve been avoiding me for a while now. We need some time together so maybe, just maybe we can go back to mine after,’ Jackson offered. Crap, he knows I’m avoiding him.

‘Sure I’ll go; Lou and I will meet you after school beside the main doors. Anyway I have to go meet the girls,’ I smiled as I pulled away before going on my tiptoes to give Jackson one last kiss before running down the hall to find Louisa.

            Louisa sat on the table in the dinner hall. ‘Lou, we have plans for tonight,’ I told her quickly as I sat beside her. Luca was sat on my other side and he smiled at me gently. I returned the smile.

‘So you’re coming with us as well, Jack told me no chicks and now he’s taking you?’ Luca asked and I stared at him as if he’d said the most offensive thing ever. ‘No offence,’ Luca added on as he gave me an almost charming smile.

‘A little late for that,’ I muttered as I eyed him evilly. Luca smiled a cute smile before turning back to speak to Janet who was holding his hand tightly. Louisa was tapping my leg, I’m not sure how long she’d been doing it but she looked fed up.

‘Finally noticed me did you?’ Louisa questioned sarcastically as she rolled her eyes at me. I hit her hand lightly and she smirked at me. ‘So what are our plans?’ Louisa asked before resting on the table.

‘Cinema tonight with the football guys, we’re going to see one of the Scary Movies I think,’ I told Louisa with a smile. She nodded her head.

‘Sure, as long as we buy popcorn...’ Louisa muttered. ‘Lot’s and lot’s of popcorn,’ Louisa whispered to herself. I grinned at her as I then joined one of the conversations with the girls who were sat around eating chocolate.

Louisa and I sat in the middle of Jackson and Eduardo; Eduardo is from Spain, his family moved here about a year and a half ago. His English isn’t too good but he is learning. Louisa and I sat eating popcorn which we both bought together along with two drinks. I was wearing one of Jackson’s oversized jumpers which was nice.

            The movie might have been on for about forty minutes or so when Louisa began punching my arm. ‘What?’ I snapped as I turned my head. Louisa showed me my phone.

To: Jackson

I need to speak to you, meet me outside the cinema. We can go buy more popcorn.

Was the text Louisa had just sent to Jackson. I looked at her; my eyes were wide with fear as I held my breath. I could feel tears prickling my eyes. I’ve never been so scared. ‘Louisa why did you do that?’ I asked as I used my finger to stop the tear running down my face and smudging my makeup.

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