10) 20 Weeks Pregnant, Time to Let the School Know

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10) 20 Weeks Pregnant, Time to Let the School Know

The final day of school arrived, next year I’m in sixth form. No more school uniform today or ever again! Oh, and today’s the day I’m planning on telling the rest of my school friends about Mr Bean. I was stood in my room wearing just my underwear. My hair was in a hair towel on the top of my head, I’d just been in the shower so my hair was quite wet. ‘Babe,’ my mum began as she walked into my room. She looked at me and then at my belly. ‘Wow, he’s grown a little,’ she laughed as she came over before placing her hand onto my slightly bigger belly.

‘Half way through already,’ I beamed as I put my arms in the air before doing a little dance.

‘Anyway, I’m not at work today so I’ll pick you up from work if you like?’ my mum offered. I smiled at her before nodding.

‘Yes please, this Bean is making me want to sleep every two seconds,’ I laughed as I eyed my stomach. ‘I need to get dressed,’ I began as I walked over to my wardrobe. Today I’m going to wear some of the clothes I spent loads of money on the other week. I pulled out a long maxi dress. It was black but you could barely tell from all the pink and red flowers that scattered over it. I pulled it over my head and let it fall across my belly. I reached my ankle leaving just enough room for my feet to poke out the bottom. Luckily I'd painted my toenails red so it matched my outfit and they looked pretty.

I sat in front of the mirror. My hair was curled nicely and falling down past my shoulder and down my back. I’d done my makeup and now I was looking for accessories. I picked up a necklace; it had gold triangles going around it. I put it around my neck then fasten the clip at the back before adding my earrings which were just some black and gold dangly ones.

My mother and I were eating breakfast when Louisa burst into the house. ‘Can you believe this?!’ she walked in shouting. My mum and I both exchanged worried looks before turning back to Louisa.

‘Can we believe what?’ my mum asked as she stood up and began making Lou a pancake.

‘I got ready this morning, I look completely amazing and everything, like you don’t even understand,’ Louisa began, I moved my hand telling her to continue. ‘And then I went downstairs, apparently Tyrone isn’t feeling so well.’ Tyrone is Louisa four year old brother. ‘He threw up all over me!’ Louisa screeched the last sentence.

‘But you still look beautiful,’ I complimented; Louisa looked at me with a frown. She’s not taking my compliments, she must be angry.

‘I had to change my entire outfit because the dress I was wearing is ruined. I’m burning the stupid think after school; my dress that is, not Tyrone,’ Louisa addressed. ‘Then again, burning Tyrone won’t be too bad,’ Louisa added sickly. I pointed a finger at her.

‘Don’t be horrible to your little brother, he’s adorable,’ I smiled.

‘Not when you live with him he isn’t,’ Louisa laughed. ‘Anyway, I must feel the Bean,’ Louisa announced forgetting about her rant. She walked over to me then stuck her hand on my belly rubbing it soothingly.

‘Lou, here’s a pancake. Eat up, I’m driving you to school,’ my mum smiled as she sat back down.

‘Thank you Stace, I love you,’ Louisa smiled; my mum blew her a kiss as she continued to eat her half eaten pancake.

The first two lessons were pretty boring if I’m honest. To say it’s the last day of real school it was possibly worse than a normal day. Louisa and I were in the same lesson so we had to meet Georgia before heading to the dinner hall. ‘Louisa, Isabella. You two look gorgeous,’ Georgia complimented as she ran over to us before hugging us both.

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