25) 1 Hour Old, Meet Baby Bean (Final Chapter)

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25) 1 Hour Old, Meet Baby Bean (Final Chapter)

I must admit, my lower area absolutely killed. It felt like it had been cut open. Lynda told me I had to have a few stitches, down there, which wasn’t nice to know. Who wants stitches in their vajiggle? No matter what the pain was like, I couldn’t stop staring at my baby and smiling. ‘Can I hold him again?’ I asked my mum for the fourth time in the past hour, she wouldn’t let me hold him for a while because she said he could hurt me. Jackson has held him, so has my mum and Louisa.

‘I suppose so,’ my mother finally gave in as she took Coley from his incubator and handed his tiny body to me. I snuggled him in my arms, I never think I’ll be able to get over the fact that he is mine to keep.

‘I’m going to go call some of our family, do you want me to call your friends and ask them to come down?’ my mother asked as she stood up, giving both Coley and I a kiss on the forehead. I nodded as I admired Coley’s features. His face was a little swollen and he was still mostly red but he looked so cute and perfect. I was so glad that I wore a bra because I had to lift my dress up so Coley could bond with me, skin to skin.

‘He’s so little, I’m scared to touch him,’ Louisa laughed as she placed a finger on Coley’s little hand. His instant reaction was to take hold of it. Most of the test that Coley needed had been taken but he still needed a few more, the midwives said they could do those later through the day though. Jackson sat beside me; he played with Coley’s blanket whilst staring at Coley himself. I saw in his eyes that he’d already fallen in love with his son.  

            ‘Hush little baby, don’t say a word. Daddy’s gonna by you a mockingbird,’ Jackson sung as he held Coley close to his chest whilst sitting in the chair beside me. I was completely exhausted and the midwives told me to sleep. I couldn’t bring myself to close my eyes though without instantly opening them to check how Coley was.

‘Belle, the midwife says you and Coley will have to stay in hospital for two days for test and to check everything is going okay. Even though Coley was born early, he wasn’t premature so he should hopefully be stable to go home,’ my mother explained to me as she walked into the room. I nodded understandingly. I don’t even know if Jackson heard because he continued to sing the lullaby to my tiny baby.

            Jackson’s mum was now in the hospital ward, she was holding Coley. I watched her with beady eyes; a little nervous she’d drop him or something. Karl stood beside her, watching every move Coley made. Jackson was speaking to his brother but I saw him glance at Coley, then me, every so often which was sweet; it shows he does actually care.

My mum was half asleep in the chair in the corner of the room when there was a knock at the door. Marie, Jackson’s mum, instantly rushed over to check it. Louisa was dosing of next to my bed but she wasn’t completely asleep because she kept on playing with the bed cover and muttering words to me. I looked to the door and saw Luca and Rhys stood on the opposite of it. ‘Where is the little man?’ Luca asked as he entered the room. Coley was being held by Fletcher, Jackson’s brother, whilst Jackson supervised.

‘Isabella, we bought you some gifts,’ Rhys spoke quietly; he’s always so shy around people he doesn’t really know. I smiled as him then budged a bit in my bed so the nervous boy could sit down. Luca had already scurried over to Fletcher and Jackson, not even recognising my existence.

‘Thank you,’ I smiled as I took the bag. I opened it slowly and looked for the first gift which I’d add to the other couple I had on the table already. As I opened the back a balloon came floating out. It was a helium balloon, a little blue one that read “It’s a boy” on it. ‘Thank you,’ I laughed as I caught the string of the balloon then put it on the table, there was a little weight thing at the bottom stopping it from drifting off. Afterwards I took out a box of grapes before staring at them in confusion.

‘Luca says people in hospital always eat grapes so you need to keep with the trend,’ Rhys commented with a smile. I grinned as I popped the grapes beside me, I don’t think I had the strength to open them. Left in the bag there were some beautiful pink and white flowers which I put on the table, mum will have to take them with her when she goes later on tonight.

‘Isabella,’ Jackson called me. I looked over to him. ‘Can Luca hold him?’ Jackson questioned; anything to do with Coley for some reason Jackson had to ask me for permission, it’s his son as well.

‘Sure,’ I muttered as I continued to look into the bag. Finally I got to the end taking out some little cute tops and pyjamas for Coley. Also there were some little fluffy socks for Coley. ‘Thank you Rhys, and Luca,’ I spoke, saying Luca’s name a little louder. Luca looked up at me and then quickly back at Coley not wanting to risk dropping him.

            A few hours later, Marie, Karl, Fletcher, Luca and Rhys had left and been replaced by my aunts and uncles. None of my younger cousins were here due to the fact they’d cause havoc. I was currently cradling my son whilst Jackson got ready to leave with Louisa. ‘I can’t get over how cute he is,’ Candice, my Uncle Mark’s fiancée, smiled as she stroked a finger over his fine hair.

‘Jackson, he has your eyes,’ my Uncle Kevin smiled as he also stared down at my little prince.

‘People keep telling me,’ Jackson beamed as he squeezed back over to Coley and I. ‘Right, I’ll be back in the morning but I have some University work today,’ Jackson explained to me. He lent in and kissed me on the cheek before kissing Coley on the forehead. Louisa gave me a quick hug trying to mind Coley; she also kissed Coley on the forehead.

‘I’ll be back after school tomorrow as well,’ Louisa told me with a big smile. I nodded as we all said our byes.

            Once everyone had gone, including mum, I finally allowed Coley to go back into his incubator. I stared at his tiny body which was wrapped in a blue blanket. He wore little white mittens on his hands to stop him from scratching his face. He was perfect, perfect and all mine. It’s so strange to think that I’ll be taking this little baby home with me, that I’ll try not to let him out of my site and that he’s mine to treasure. I smiled at my little boy before heading over to the hospital bed to get some well needed sleep.

After just over eight months of struggling, I finally have my perfect ending. Coley Rubin Jenkins-Dean, my little boy.

The End


And finally FINI! I’ll probably make a sequel about Coley’s first year of being born obviously still in the point of view from Isabella. I hope you enjoyed reading ‘A Precious Accident’ as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please comment on how you think I did, and please vote and follow. Thank you for reading, love T!xox

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