22) 36 Weeks Pregnant, Final Day of School & A Baby Shower

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22) 36 Weeks Pregnant, Final Day of School & A Baby Shower

Finally, my last day of school had arrived. Today is the day I finish school for three months, in these three months my baby boy will be born. My baby’s head engaged a few days ago, my mum says it means it’s getting ready for labour but he shouldn’t be born until around the due date. I had a meeting with the midwife yesterday; she gave me a bunch more measurements which I still don’t really understand but whatever, as long as everything is going well. Also I’ve stopped feeling as tired, it’s like I use to be before I got pregnant which is nice. My belly is huge though, I still haven’t got any stretch makes which is strange apparently that’s like something down my family though. My mother didn’t get stretch marks either.

            I sat behind my desk beside Eda in maths. ‘Before the baby shower, I need to go home first for a little to help Johan with some homework,’ Eda explained to me as we noted what it was on the board.

‘That’s fine, Louisa is coming over to mine anyway so we’ll go down there together. Plus my family is coming over so they’ll go down to the centre before,’ I told Eda in a whisper, not wanting the teacher to hear us.

School was pretty laid back and it passed pretty quickly. Now Louisa and I were back at my house preparing ourselves for the baby shower. My aunt Julia was waiting for us downstairs because she was going to drive us to the place however all my other family had already headed out to set up. Louisa came from the wardrobe with some clothes in her hands. ‘You should wear this,’ she decided as she put a peach maxi skirt on the bed with a black top with white lace around the top.

‘I suppose so,’ I agreed as I quickly slid the skirt over my jeans before taking my jeans off under it, no one needs to see my pants okay?

‘Do you want me to do your hair?’ Louisa questioned, she sat down next to the iron which she was waiting to heat up. The ironing board is in my mum’s room so Louisa decided to use the floor as her ironing board.

‘It depends on what you want to do to it,’ I mumbled as I took my top off before turning away from Louisa to the window; is that a good idea? I think not.

‘I want to curl it, not like proper curls, just loose wants because they suit you,’ Louisa explained to me as she knelt up before spreading her denim shirt over the floor, are you even supposed to iron denim? Louisa picked up the iron before holding it onto her shirt and moving it across it quickly.

‘Are you doing anything to your hair?’ I questioned before sliding onto the floor beside Louisa before searching under the bed for my curling iron. Louisa looked up from her ironing, holding the iron in the air before pulling a confused face.

‘I think I’ll straighten it,’ Louisa told me. ‘Just get the straighteners out and I’ll curl your hair with those instead, plus then the curls won’t be as stupid,’ Louisa stated, that doesn’t even make sense.

            Louisa and I added finishing touches to our outfits. I put on some stud silver earrings with a large gem in the centre of it. ‘Girls’ are you ready?’ Julia asked up the stairs. I quickly checked the time on my alarm clock, it was already six.

‘Yeah, one minute!’ I shouted in response as I rushed around my room. I ran my fingers through my curls quickly, my hair looked really pretty.

‘Let’s go then,’ Louisa decided as she stood up from where she was sat on my bed putting her shoes on.

‘SURPRISE!’ everyone squealed as Louisa, Julia and I enter the centre which my baby shower was being held in. I let out a shocked gasp as I rushed around hugging everyone and muttering thank you to most of the guest. There was a table in the far corner of the room which contained some presents from my friends and family, there were actually quite a lot.

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