12) Where to Next?

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12) Where to Next?

After three days in London, it was nice to get out to the quieter place of, Brighton. Jackson hired a car which we drove to the caravan park which we were staying in. The caravans quite nice. It has two rooms and four beds, Louisa and I are sharing a room whilst Jackson and Luca share the other. I put my suitcase in the lounge of the caravan along with Luca’s, Louisa’s and Jackson’s. ‘Everyone get your bathing suits on, we’re getting a tan!’ Louisa squealed as she rushed into the bathroom. I picked up my bikini and ran after her, yes we’re both sharing a bathroom to change into our swimming costumes; it’s okay though, we’ve been best friends for years and seen everything...

‘I might not go in the sea,’ I told Louisa as I changed my bikini bottoms under the maxi dress I was wearing. Louisa nodded but frowned at me.

‘But Bean might want to go swimming,’ Louisa decided with a little giggle.

‘I’ll go in the sea, but only for a short while. I’d rather sunbathe and get a tan,’ I explained as I pulled my dress down so I could change from my bra to my bikini top.

‘God Belle, your boobs are massive!’ Louisa yelled, I blushed a little as I turned so I was facing the door and Louisa was facing my back.

‘Thanks Lou,’ I mumbled as I changed into my bikini. ‘That’s was tends to happen when you’re pregnant,’ I added to the end.

‘So are you gonna breastfeed him?’ Louisa questioned seriously.

‘I doubt it, apparently it makes your boobs bleed and I don’t really fancy that,’ I admitted truthfully as I pulled my dress over my bikini before turning back to Louisa who was dressed and putting her high-waisted shorts back over her pale legs and her crop top over her chest.

Louisa and I ran down the beach, both our feet getting pulled into the warm sand. I held my hands in front of me just in case I fell. Luca and Jackson were playing a game of rounders with two people. Louisa dived gracefully into the sea; I just splashed down into the depths of the water. When I came back up from under the water I noticed Jackson was looking at me. ‘Be careful!’ he shouted before getting hit in the stomach by the ball which Luca had just hit. I laughed at Luca as I spun in the water.

                I sat on the picnic rug which Jackson had bought from one of the beach stores. Louisa, Luca and Jackson were all playing in the sea whilst I had to miss out because Bean was making me feel a little sick. My phone began to ring in my bag. I quickly pulled it out and checked the caller ID. “Mum Calling...”

I quickly put the phone to my ear. ‘Hello?’ I said questioningly.

‘Hey baby, how are you?’ my mum asked, she sounded quite happy.

‘I’m good, what about you?’ I asked in response.

‘I’m fine, anyway I was calling to let you know that when you return home from your holiday we’re having a few relatives round for the week,’ my mother explained down the phone.

‘Okay, none of them are staying at our house are they?’ I asked a little annoyed; my mum has a relatively big family, she has three brothers and two sisters all of them have children of their own.

‘I think Kev and his family might have to stay for a little while but Julia and Mark are staying round your grandmas,’ my mum told me, I let out a little groan.

‘I suppose that’s okay. Anyway I’ll have to go, I’m going to go buy ice-cream,’ I told mum finally. ‘Love you.’

‘Love you too sweetheart, see you when you get home,’ mum responded before hanging up.

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