O N E : S A M A

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Chapter One


Dubai - U.A.E

My life resolves these main things my Job, Family and friends.

Well doing what I love is one on the things I grew up with, to me life is about living it to the fullest letting go of the past and living everyday with new believes and thoughts.

I'm Sama Bint Mohammed Bin Khaled Al Falasi and i graduated to a Bachelor's degree in Architecture at UCl I'm currently working at an international Architecture and Developing Company, I Lived in London for four years In Order to finish my degree, going to London and studying there is actually something I wanted since I was young .

My mom Alyazia is an Activist and Member of the women's Council, My Dad Mohammed is a non-royal government official in Dubai, U.A.E, He's currently serving as director general of The Ruler's Court, Government of Dubai, a prime government body of the Emirate of Dubai.

I have Four Brothers and Two Sisters in the correct Order Khalid, Ahmed, Al-Reem, Zayed, Roaa and Hamed.

. . .

A knock interrupted me "Come in" I said while focusing on the screen I'm trying to finish my work so I Could leave early "Miss Sama Mr. Fayez is wants to see for you" Sarah my Assistant poked her head in, I nodded taking the file and went to his office I knocked on the door I heard a -come in- " Salam! You asked for me" he nodded "uh yes Sama come in "...... we talked about the meeting with headboard and the new Investors and all...

. . .

"Taim" I yelled , "Slam Habibtii I'm right here no need to scream " she wondered out of the kitchen holding a chocolate bar "we'll be late Noura called " I stated rolling my eyes at her weird eating habits , we are having lunch with some of our friends Diala, Ayesha, Noura and sheema

We picked our bags we got into Taim's Car, I got into the passenger she turned it on and we took off.

. . .

We Arrived to the restaurant "do you have a reservation ?" the waitress asked " yeahh it's under Diala Al Jasim " I smiled politely she nodded " follow me please" we reached the table " Salam Girls " I greeted.

we sat down, ordered Our food and we started Talking about life and everything "How's the baby " I asked sheema " well he is okay Talal and I can't wait " she smiled at the mention of her baby , the food came and as usual we talked about everything of everything, after Finishing our meal , the girls ordered some dessert and Coffee , Sheema Excused herself as her husband's outside waiting for her, "we should Do Something for sheema " Diala suggested ,Gala Sheema's Twin was the first to reply " absolutely we have to and plus we could enjoy each other's company , I'm definitely in" the waiter placed another order " which leaves Taim and Sama " Diala said looking at us " I think it's a wonderful idea" Taim replied, which makes them all look at me " when are you planning on having the party and where are we having it FIRST " I said way to fast " hmm I'm thinking of the beach house , you have something don't you " Diala smiled at me " I have work to do in London so I'll be there for 6 Days" I said feeling sad cause I really wanted to this party for Sheema and going to the beach house is like a little getaway with the girls "well we could postpone it till you come back from London RIGHT ! Girls "Gala chimed in "yeah exactly" Taim said "well, until we fix everything for the party you'll be back "Ayesha Reassured me " oh and Sama don't Forget to bring us some Harrods Macrons please" Gala pleaded, we finished eating and all , we said our goodbyes and we left the restaurant .

"when do you leave?? " taim asked me before going to her car " mmm in 3 Days " I said getting into her car , "thanks for the ride " I peeked through her window " no problem see you soon Habibti, Bye " she pulled back her car and left.

. . .

3 Days Later

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" mama and I will miss you habibti " baba (dad) said while hugging me " baba I'm only gone for a few days " I said while hugging my sister " I don't care I'll miss you " Roaa cupped my face and kissed me " guys I'm 24 not two years old " I argued " shhh your my baby no matter what , now take care of yourself , eat your food , sleep well and MOST importantly DONT forget to call me " my mom being Mom " Okay Mama , love you, oh and Hamed Don't do anything stupid when I'm away" I smiled and nodded my head, I pinched Hamed's cheek "hey stop I'm a man" he whined I pulled him into a hug then took my bag wore my coat "did the driver take your suitcase " Ahmad asked and I nodded and followed him down stairs " I said all my goodbyes, Ahmed and I went to the car greeted the driver and we claimed in..

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We arrived to the Airport the Driver Helped me with my bags.

"do you have everything "Ahmed said as he pulled me in a hug I nodded "well take care okay, if anything happens call and you'll find in front of you okay "he pulled back and he pinched my cheeks "kiss Majid and Khaled For me okay" I nodded at the guy who is pushing the Luggage Trolley I waved Ahmed and I went to Check in at the airline desk, went through security, then made my way to the gate.

. . .


I got on the Plane , to my seat settled I smiled at the thought going back to London its my absalute favorite place to be at aside from Dubai I texted mom telling her that we're taking off , I turned off my phone, Fastened my seatbelt took my blanket and I drifted away with my dreams ...

Here is the the first edited Chapter hope you liked it Chapter 2 After this Love You Guys....

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