Chapter 3

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(Y/n)'s POV

I said yes. I said yes to being Draco's wife. I cannot believe it.

I thought he didn't want to marry me when our parents told us we are betrothed to one another.

I always thought he will marry that pug face Parkinson. But nope, he proposed to me!! Out of his own heart not because of the agreement.

Draco: love?

I look at my soon to be husband and simply ask yes with a smile on my face.

Draco: let's go inside and show our parents we don't need the agreement anymore since we will be married after all.

He says as he gives me the famous Malfoy smirk. Ugh I don't know why but it makes me blush so hard my face look like a tomato.

Draco: I always loved it when you blush it's so cute.

(Y/n): smooth talker I see. Come on.

Draco and I walked into my home to find our parents to tell them Draco proposed.

By the time we get to the living room I see my mother in tears for a unknown reason.

Right when I was going to ask her she ran up to me and basically tackled me into a hug.

Mother: my baby is getting married!!

As I turned to Draco, his mother already have him in her brace. Draco looks at me confused so we turn to our fathers Who sitting on the couch smiling at their wives actions.

Lucius smile is seriously creepy.

Father: They both was about to the garden and seen you and Draco talking until they seen Draco on one knee that's when they came inside and told us what happened.

Lucius: looks like we don't need the agreement anymore. Draco was already a step ahead. Proud of you Draco.

That was the first time I ever heard Lucius Malfoy say he's proud of Draco.

I turn towards Draco and I seen him have tears in his eyes. But he's pushing them back trying to not show weakness like his Father taught him years ago.

Father: okay. Enough hugging girls your probably killing them from the lack of oxygen.

Mother: sorry. But my baby is getting married and soon to have babies.

Me: MOM!

Draco's and I faces was just red. Really tho? We just got engaged, we're not thinking of kids right now.

Draco's POV.

Babies? I don't think I'll be a great father or a good father the way I grew up. What if I become my father?

And if your thinking yeah I been thinking about having babies with (Y/n) since second year at Hogwarts.

Yes at 12 years old I was thinking about babies with my best friend.

But guess what............ I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. You stupid git.

Mother: I want lots of grandbabies. Not just One cause Lucius only wanted One child.

Father: Nassissa

Mother: shut up Lucius you know it's true.

Marie: Michael was the same. He only wanted a girl.

Michael: (Y/n), Draco please go up stairs cause we need to talk to your mothers about something.

I didn't waste a minute more. I grabbed my Babygirl's hand and ran up stairs to her room.

I seriously didn't want to know what's going on down there.

Always Mine. Draco Malfoy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now