Chapter 15: Heir named and Potter again.

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"Charlie. Charlie Micheal Alexander Malfoy." (Y/n) said as she stares at her and Draco's second son. Draco smiles at the name his wife picked, his eyes just sparkled and his actual smile.

"It's perfect. Just like him and Scorpius." Draco replied to (Y/n) looking at the twins who was already in a nearby crib that was next to the bed Draco and (Y/n) was already on. Then there was a knock on the door, it opened and it's was Maria and Narcissa wanting to see their grandsons now. The couple laugh at their parents and godparents and let them see the boys. All night it was about the twin boys then word got out that Draco and (Y/n) Malfoy welcomed their surprised twin boys Scorpius and Charlie Malfoy. While the happy little family and their friends celebrate the welcoming Malfoy heirs. Someone was not happy.

Harry Potter looks at the Daily Prophet weeks after (Y/n) have birth to her twin boys Scorpius and Charlie and sees the same family on the front page.

Anger and jealousy started to rise inside him

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Anger and jealousy started to rise inside him. To this day he felt that Malfoy actually done something to his (Y/n). After 20 months of thinking this caused his and Ginny's relationship to be rocky. Countless arguments was about his little or rather big obsession he had for Draco Malfoy's wife. His best friend or former best friend (Y/n) Knoxville.

"Harry give it a rest. She's now a mother to her and Draco's sons." Harry already knew who it was. Hermonie and Ron. Since Ginny left for Quidditch after another huge argument about (Y/n). Harry turns and see the Now engaged couple with a little baby bump that Hermonie is showing.

"Harry, your our best friend since 1st year so has (Y/n). But this has to stop. It's one thing during Hogwarts and before her wedding. But during a pregnancy when she can be stressed to loose her children is too fair. But this is the end. She's married and a mother to Draco's two boys. I know you love (Y/n) but it's time to move on with your life. She has with hers and so have me and Hermonie. It's time for you too. We know Ginny is pregnant and you two suppose to be married in a month but it's enough. Let. Her. Go." Ron told his best friend. Deep down would be nice for (Y/n) and Harry to married but her heart is with Malfoy. But it's better for him to be married to his sister.

"Thanks for the talk. Now I have go to the ministry." Harry said as he goes to his own floo powder that is next to his chimney. And left to the ministry. What Ron didn't know is that Draco was still at the ministry finishing up work for the day. Harry think it's time to Draco one more time between them but this time (Y/n) won't be here. When Harry stepped out of the fire place at the ministry and sees Draco coming out of the elevator to got to the fore place to get home to his family. Harry's anger stares to raise up again as he gets closer to the father of two.


Draco heard someone say his last name thinking someone is yelling for (Y/n) but remembered she's at home with the boys. But he looks in front of him and seen Harry once again. Draco rolls his eyes at the famous Harry Potter angry once again, and started to think this needs to end and that he's still hung on to his wife, (Y/n).

"Listen Harry. I'm not going to argue about my wife again. It's been almost two years since we was married and now we have two children together. Don't you think it's time to stop having this weird obsession over my wife. Let her go. Yes we had our differences when we first met on to the end of Hogwarts but it's time to move on with life. I know you and (Y/n) are friends but not anymore because of this behavior you have about her. It needs to end. Now if you can pardon me I need to get home to (Y/n) and our sons. We have family coming over to see the boys and I need to be present. Good day Mister Potter."

With the end of the discussion instead of using floo powder, Draco transported to Malfoy manor where him and (Y/n) live. The second Malfoy manor. Draco didn't want his children live in the depressing home he used to live where Voldemort ruined the memories just by being once there.

"(Y/n) I'm home love. Where are you and the boys?." Draco yelled in his home.

(Y/n) replied "In the living room love".

He loves coming home and knowing his wife and children are home waiting for him after being at the ministry. And no one can break the bond him and (Y/n), not even Potter.

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