Chapter 12: Gender Reveal

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"Are we finally gonna find out what our grandchild is?! Please tell me it's a girl" Narissia asked the expecting couple.

After the incident with Harry, Draco took (Y/n) to the muggle hospital which he didnt want to but he wanted to know the gender they will be having. Now the couple is getting ready to tell the parents about the baby.

"You have to wait mother. (Y/n) should be almost ready." Draco told his mother.

He sees his mother and mother in law too excited to know what their grandbaby will be. While Lucius and Michael was just drinking wine, staring at their wives with smirks on their faces. Wishing the baby is a boy.

"At least tell us what names you guys picked.? And it better not be a ridiculous name." Maria asked her son in law, wanting to know if the already have names.

"Yes. We already have names. For a boy Scorpius Holden Malfoy. A girl Chelsea Maria Malfoy. (Y/n) wanted to honor her childhood friends who lost their lives during the battle." Draco told everyone. They loved the names and had a little flashback of the Holden and Chelsea of their own. Such lovely souls and gifted wizards lost because of Voldmort.

After a moment of silence (Y/n) made her way down the stairs wearing a white long sleeve shirt that shows her lovely baby bump and a color that reveals her and Draco's child. She hopes Draco didn't say anything about the gender only the names. They both agreed about telling the names while she gets ready.

"Is that you love? Ready? " Draco asked who just became excited for their parents to know who's the future heir of the Malfoy family.

"Yeah her I come. Can you help me? I really dont want to fall hurt the baby." (Y/n) told her husband making sure the bow is not shown just yet.

"coming love." Draco replied to his lovely wife as he stares at her not quite huge baby bump that holds the child they created.

As the couple slowly walks down the stairs making sure the lovely bow pant shown to the parents just yet. Maria and Narcissa is standing holding each other hands, slightly jumping up and down waiting for (Y/n) come down to the living room of her and Draco's new home to revel the gender.

Lucius and Michael on the other hand had already waiting to the win the bet they had with Maria and Narcissa about the gender.

"Ready?" both Draco and (Y/n) said together while Draco stands in front of the color bow that will revel the gender of the baby. They all nodded their heads wanting the couple to revel the gender all ready.

Draco steps away from his wife for a moment for them to revel the color of the bow.

And it's a...


A Boy!

Then a set of women screaming of joy was in the air. Narissia and Maria is jumping for joy with tears in their eyes, secretly sad it wasn't a girl like they hoped. And the fact they lost a bet.

Michael and Lucius is smiling at the fact that the heir is a boy. They have a grandson Now.

"Scorpius Holden Malfoy!" (Y/n) said with a great big smile on her face, being happy her and Draco's first child is a boy.

While Draco is beyond excited to have a son with his beautiful wife. His smile is hurting his face, like you can see he is dimples which to (Y/n) is extremely adorable. The whole excitement slowly dies down as the women go to (Y/n) hugging her, making sure they don't squeeze her tight to hurt Scorpius.

"A boy sweetheart. How exciting. I should of know it runs in the Malfoy family. But I wanted a girl to spoil. But then we got Draco." Narissia told her daughter in law

Draco heard what his mother and yelled "Hey!" and seen his mother do the Malfoy smirk, while Draco Feels slight offended from his mother.

"We told you girls it's a boy. The first child is always a boy when it's a Malfoy. First born always a boy." Lucius state it.

"Ah yes Lucius. But in the Knoxville Family the first born is a girl. So basically (Y/n) and Draco had a 50/50 chance of a boy or girl as the first child. I had a older sister who was a year before me so she's the first born Girl and I'm the first born son. So 50/50." Michael also said about the chance of the gender.

"Eh. But you and me my friend was right about the child being a boy so we will welcome Scorpius
Malfoy in a few short months." Lucius continue to say. Until the women got involved.

"But from the black side if Draco's family it would of also be a possibility to have three girls and no sons. So be happy you got a boy before you two get three girls. I wouldn't have any advice since Lucius and I only have Draco but Maria and Michael will since they have (Y/n)." Narcissa said trying to scare the men about three girl Malfoys around.

(Y/n) and Draco Just stand there silently laughing at their parents playfully fight about the chance of future children they might have. Both happy they will be having Scorpius here real soon.

Draco stands behind his wife and wrap his arms around her, his hands landing in front of the bump feeling Scorpius move. He always love feeling his child move around and feeling him kick in the middle of the night while (Y/n) is sleeping. He always dreamt that him and (Y/n) will have a child and now his dream has come true.

"We all know he could go to Slytherin. It's in his blood."

"He could go to any house at Hogwarts, not just Slytherin Lucius."

The couple turn back to see what the parents are now discussing about. Scorpius Hogwarts house. Of course. Not surprised.

"it depends on his personality he will have. Still the Knoxvilles has either went to Griffindor, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. While the Malfoys went to Slytherin. So the chance is either Slytherin or even Ravenclaw. A slight chance at Griffiandor. No matter what house our grandson will go to, he will always be loved by all of us. No matter what." Maria said since she was a Griffiandor herself while Michael was Slytherin.

Lucius was about to say something but seen Narcissa gave him a evil glare telling him to shut up knowing what he was going to say. Then Draco spoke up after him and (Y/n) just watch the amusement between them.

"well (Y/n) and I already agreed no matter what house he will be sorted in he's still our son and we'll love him forever no matter what."

(Y/n) kiss Draco's cheek telling him she's proud without speaking it. She breathed in and out before speaking after being silent through the whole thing.

"Now that we know that we are having Scorpius. How about a big celebration for all our friends and old classmates to know what baby we are having. Basically no one knows we are expecting expect Harry."

"What a wonderful idea sweetie. What did Harry think about the baby.?" Maria asked (Y/n). Once her mother asked her that she turned slightly annoyed as she remember what happened last week. She wanted to say it before Draco says anything.

"He's not happy. He had the nerve to insult Draco and our child saying he out me under a love potion forcing me to marry him, and Now that I became pregnant the new dark lord is coming with the last name Malfoy. Draco told him its never true. So short story he is not allowed to come to any event we will be hosting. The Weasley's are welcomed but he is not." (Y/n) told the story. All shocked faces. Not quite surprised that Harry had the nerve to say that to Draco since they didn't finish the rivalry between them. But attacking a child? Is too far.

"But let's not get that get us all down. Let's go plan this event for the whole wizarding world to know our Scorpius is on his way." (Y/n) continue to say as the mood in the room shifted a bit. But then turn the happy vibe back in the air.

"Let's go plan this event darling." Maria said while taking her daughters hand to the dinning room to start this event while everyone else follows along.

Only 4 months and 3 days till little Scorpius comes to the world.

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