Chapter 4

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(Y/n)'s POV

Draco and I made it to my bedroom in a record of time. Once I opened my door, Draco went to my bed and laid on it.

Draco: your bed feels like a cloud. Just soft and warm

(Y/n): and how would you know what a cloud feel like mister malfoy.?

Draco: I just know.

(Y/n): not unless you been flying in the sky and lay on a cloud.

Draco: smart-ass.

I sticked my tongue out at him being playful. That made Draco get off my bed grabbed my waist and just threw me on the bed.

He gotten on top of me, pending me down by having my hands above my head with both his hands.

Damn his hands are cold as ice. But yet soft for a man.

Draco: I been dreaming of moment for years.

(Y/n): what do you mean Draco.

Draco: As I told you earlier while proposing that I been in love with you since the day we met. When we was 8 years old. And now here we are 18 turning 19 soon. This part will be really embarrassing but I dreamed about having kids with you in second year. Every year at Hogwarts I was going to tell you I'm in love with you but every time I see you your with Potter.

(Y/n): I'm so sorry Draco. I should of known. I told Harry to start leaving me alone when it's just me and you or when you wanted to talk to me. At first I thought it was because you know the both of you hating eachother since first year.

Draco: it's fine darling. Let's just forget about bloody Potter. We are out of Hogwarts, both have jobs in the ministry thanks to you and your father, and we have a wedding soon. All we need to do now is announce our engagement to the entire wizard world.

(Y/n): I think both our mother's will cover that. I can already know the headlines for the daily prophet. " Knoxville and Malfoy engaged. Draco Malfoy is marrying (Y/n) Knoxville. The wedding of the Enetrity". Ugh the press will have a field day.

Draco: bloody press.

Draco and I laugh about the headlines. Even after what the war the Malfoy family is still famous. My parents told Lucius to tell the media why the family was on the dark lords side. The family was under a unforgivable curse, forcing to side with him.

People was stund when they heard what happened and just went on with their lives.

Draco: babe?

(Y/n): yeah?

Draco: I think on our wedding day We do the vow.

(Y/n): the unbroken vow? I was about to suggest it as well. We stay together until the end of time.
Draco: now that we have that out the way.. What color should we do for the wedd-

Out of nowhere the door to my bedroom opened and the most annoying voice came..

???: Drakie- poo

Draco and I looked towards the door and it's the one person I never wanted to see ever in my life or Draco's.

Pansy Parkinson

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