Chapter 11: Pregnant

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Months had passed since the wedding between (Y/n) and Draco and everyone is still talking about it. Everyone was still in shock that a Knoxville married a Malfoy, at first they thought the young Malfoy will marry a Greengrass or a Parkinson since they are pureblood famililes who supported Lord Voldemort for three generations. But it was unexpected that the young malfoy married a Knoxville who is the purest PureBlood family who is basically wizard royalty.

But the only person who was still not happy for the couple is the boy who lived, Harry Potter himself. He still thinks (Y/n) is under a love potion that Malfoy created and now that they are both married he's afraid another Voldemort will come in the world with the last name Malfoy. But he couldn't be more wrong.

Harry is currently looking straight at Draco and (Y/n) talking, smiling at eachother. He wonders what they could be so happy about. They gotten back from their honeymoon five months ago with exciting news for the family.

Harry could already tell what it is, he noticed (Y/n)'s body slowly changing. He couldn't believe that Malfoy not only married his true love but also gotten her pregnant with his child. Only what Harry thought was that should be his life. His wife and her pregnant with his child. Harry vowed he will break them up no matter what it takes.

Meanwhile Draco is beyond excited that he's becoming a father with his beloved wife. He looks at (Y/n) and knows she's going to be a wonderful mother to his child.

"How far along are you again love?" he asked his wife again for the third time since finding out they was going to have a child just only being married for a short period of time.

"I'm about five months love. To be honest I thought I would have a big bump by now but it's noticeable I'm surprised no one at the ministry ask if I am or not. What do you think the gender is?" (Y/n) asked Draco wondering what he wants.

"I don't really care as long as the child is ours but it would be lovely to have a boy."

(Y/n) giggles at her husband's response and replied saying "You want a boy because you want him to look like you isn't it? But it would be wonderful to have more than one".

Draco smiles. A actual smile that he has been doing since his and (Y/n)'s engagement. More than one child? He think yes.

"That will be a blessing. That way our child don't have to turn up like I did being lonely growing up. I want the best for our children. Why don't we go to the doctor and see what we are going to have shall we?"

(Y/n) still couldn't believe how much Draco had changed since the first year of Hogwarts. He was mean to people but to never to her. Draco always shows a soft side to her before they're engagement and even after. He becomes protective when someone like Harry try to tear from apart. She even knows that Harry is staring both her and Draco down. She thinks he must of know about her being pregnant.

"Yeah let's. I could tell our parents are debating if we're having a boy or girl." she finally responded to Draco.

"I believe my mother wants a granddaughter. She always wanted a girl when I was young. But my father want a grandson first."

"I agree but we have a 50/50 chance. Let's go see. So they can end this debate".

As she finish answering she noticed Harry coming over to the couple. By the looks on his face, he mean business. Draco noticed the sudden change of mood his wife had. He noticed Potter coming toward them also, his mood changed as well.

Draco didnt have time for Potter anymore. After what happened at the manor just a month before the wedding he didn't want Potter around his wife anymore.

"What the bloody hell do you want Potter.? You can't you see (Y/n) and I have to go to a appointment?"

Harry rolls his eyes at Draco. To him, Draco didn't change at all.

"I could careless Malfoy. I know you gave (Y/n) a love potion just so you can marry her. Now you have her pregnant with another dark lord." Harry told the couple.
(Y/n) felt disgusted toward Harry. How dare he say such a thing. Draco felt the same way. His face became red because of anger but he decided to calm down abit ans answer calmly for the sake of his wife next to him.

"How dare you. I would never do such a thing to (Y/n)! For your information Potter, even I did it wouldn't work because she would already be in love with me. We all know the side effects if a child is convinced through a love potion and I'm evil to bring a dark wizard in to a world after decades of everyone being afraid of Voldmort. We finished the war. It's over and done with. How about you go back to weasletee since the both of you are getting married and leave me and my wife alone for good. You remember your soon to be wife right. I wouldn't be surprised because your obsessing over mine. Don't contact my wife any more Potter. We both was kind enough to invite you to the wedding. Now I can speak for (Y/n) and I it was a big mistake. Goodbye Harry Potter."

Draco took the words right out of (Y/n)'s mouth. She thought Harry was her friend, but guess not. All she feels for Harry now is disgust and hate. Accusing Draco of some evil crime he didn't commit? Draco doesn't have a evil bone in his body. He may seem evil from being in a evil family but that doesn't mean he is. Not only on Draco but accusing of their child being the future dark lord across the line.

From this day on froth (Y/n) (y/m/n) Knoxville Malfoy does not want nothing with Harry James Potter.

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