Chapter 6

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One month later

Draco's POV

Mother: The wedding is in one month and you still didn't pick your best man, groomsmen, it gotten any planning done.

Draco: I been busy at the ministry mother. I barely see (Y/n) because she's either busy too or with you going over wedding detail. Mainly you and Maria have her.

Mother: Maria and I need to make sure the wedding is perfect. We still need to get her dress tho.

It's been a month since I proposed to (Y/n) and I haven't see my love since the engagement party that was a week after.

I still remember it like it was yesterday.


All the guest was coming to the Knoxville Manor to come to the engagement/announcing party.
Everyone knew the Knoxville Family have only one heir is the one getting married since both Michael and Maria only has (Y/n).

And I'm the lucky one who is marring her.

As of right now I'm in one kg the guest rooms with Michael and my father, talking about something. I wasn't listening to be honest.

The only thing I was thinking about is my mother must be excited for me to get married to (Y/n). And how many grandchildren she wants.


I looked to and seen both my father and Michael looking at me.

"yes sir?"

"Take care of my little girl. Besides Marie she's all I have. Even tho Marie wanted more kids she couldn't do it. Not with the world like this. Mostly when Voldemort was still around. When (Y/n) was born she was all we needed."

I smile at hearing (Y/n)'s name.

" I will. I loved her since you and Maria first came to introduce her. I was always afraid for my feelings for her during first year at Hogwarts. Then I realized I'm truly in love with her for the rest of the Hogwarts. Even with the task and I talked to nobody. I only talked to her. She's all I think about. Then and now. She's my angel".

Then my father spoke up.

" I remember the day you and (Y/n) met. You both was about three years old. You met before when you was newborns but Michael took his family somewhere safe because of Voldmort. When the dark lord had fallen it was about time you both see eachother again. You was on the floor playing with your toys while your mother was nervous to see Marie again. Don't ask why It was a girl thing and I didn't understand why. When they finally arrived you just looked at (Y/n) with so much love and adoration. I think we knew you loved her dearly and wanted her in your life forever. Michael and I kept our mouths shut while Marie and your mother talked possible wedding plans."

Of course mother would plans my wedding before the love come in.

" frankly I'm shocked today isn't the wedding with all the planning they done when the children was little. I did think they pull out all the plans and just get started on the venue and such and the wedding the next day or month. But they didn't know what house (Y/n) would be in. We know Draco would be placed in Slytherin."

Michael explained.

Then I finally realized what the time was, announcement time.

"All lovely stories but it's time to get to the party. Before the women kills us for being late."

With that we walked out of the office and headed down to the Knoxville grand hall where the party will be held.

I got to see my darling (Y/n) in a pale pink dress with seems like sequence on the top of her dress. She looks stunning.

I grabbed her hand, kiss her lips and entered the ball with her.


When we finally announced our engagement to the party half of everyone knew we get together and the other shocked. I seen saint Potter in the crowd with the weasly family with that Ginny girl.

His face had to be my favorite. Shocked, after all this time, his hard work to get me away from (Y/n) didn't pay off. Here she is smiling at everyone about our engagement.

We didn't invite the Parkinson's cause of the event last week.

Not that we care anyway.

--- end of flashback ---

As I'm thinking about my beloved, my mother tells me I have a visitor at the door.

It couldn't be Blaise, Crabbe or Goyle.

I entered the living room where this unknown guest who requested to see me is. Right when I step in and I seen bloody Potter

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